Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/26

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"Of course." Latham picked up a magazine and dropped into a chair.

Geoff went down the hall to his sister's room and rapped on the door, calling at the same time: "I say, Meg, it's I."

"Come in, Geoff."

"What the dickens were you getting Cousin Clara on her ear for again! And what is it about Eric Hedon?" he began belligerently as he entered.

Then he checked himself and quietly closed the door behind him.

His sister, as he understood vaguely from the manner of all men toward her, was an extraordinarily beautiful girl. At times Geoff admitted it. "One thing about Meg—I don't have to think anybody's after her for her chance at Cousin Clara's money."

For a girl she was not quite so tall proportionately as Geoff; and of course she was far slighter and more delicately formed. Yet one looking at the brother and sister would have said that the slender girl had at least as much power of endurance and nervous force as the athletic young man. She was not athletic at