Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/65

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"Into the Arctic?"

"Wherever Eric may be."

Latham gazed at her. Again he put his hands out and this time seized her shoulders and held her.

"Then it's a bargain?" he asked her almost fiercely.

"If I go upon the ship, yes."

"All right!" He drew his breath in deeply. "I'll take you!"

Geoff, in the billiard room, was knocking the balls about viciously, and in the process jammed off the tips from two cues before Latham joined him.

"I'm going to send a ship up to look for Thomas and Hedon," the man said as he came in.

"The devil you are!"

"And I'm going on it, Geoff."


Latham repeated his statement as he chalked a cue deliberately.

Geoff gasped. "And give up your polo in England? Price, the Graphic says you're the