Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 7.djvu/59

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thirty-one folio volumes; a laborious and creditable duty, for which he received a very handsome sum. Mr Rose from this time found regular employment in the public offices; but it was not till the Pitt and Dundas administration, that he was raised to any eminent station in the public service. He was then appointed joint-secretary to the treasury, and introduced into that department his habits of order, of regularity, and of careful attention to details. Mr Rose's qualifications were not of that order which make a great display; but which, nevertheless, are so necessary, that the want of them soon becomes conspicuous. In the business of every administration, there is a great deal of laborious second-rate work, which cannot be conveniently executed by the highest class of statesmen. The bold and comprehensive plans which they are called upon to form, require talents and habits which are very seldom found united with the power of minute calculation and patient inquiry. A laborious man, therefore, whose diligence and accuracy can be depended on, is an important acquisition to every administration. Such a one, who does not venture into the high and uncertain ground of political contention, may survive many ministerial shocks, and may recommend himself without discredit to cabinets differing considerably in their political aspect Such an assistant was found by Mr Pitt in the subject of the present memoir, who, with the exception of two short intervals, continued, during half a century, a sort of ministerial fixture, carrying on the routine of public offices, with many useful plans and objects of a subordinate nature. While superintending the business of the treasury, his vigilance was unremitted in inspecting and keeping on the alert every department of the widely ramified system. Trade also occupied a considerable share of his attention ; and no man was more intimately acquainted with its facts and details; though he does not seem to have reached those sound and comprehensive views which were familiar to Mr Pitt. Amid a variety of delicate employments, no charge was ever made against his integrity, except one, which turned out quite groundless.

On the accession of the Addington administration in 1301, and afterwards on the formation of that of the Talents in 1806, Mr Rose retired along with Mr Pitt, but resumed the public service in both cases on the restoration of the Tories. On Mr Pitt's return to power, he was made vice-president, and soon after, president of the Board of Trade, with a salary of £4000 a-year; in which situation, excepting during the Talents administration, he continued till his death. As a matter of course, Mr Rose was in parliament during the greater part of his public career. His speeches in that assembly were generally on subjects connected with trade, and were confined chiefly to details of facts, which he stated in a manner that aimed at nothing like ornament. He deserves particular praise for the zeal with which he engaged in plans no way connected with ministerial influence, and having for their sole object to improve the condition of the indigent classes of society. He gave his full support to friendly societies and savings' banks; and introduced laws to encourage, and secure the property of those establishments. In questions relating to the corn laws, he usually took part with the people against the landed interest The plans for taking a census of the population were conducted under his auspices.

Early in life, Mr Rose married a lady connected with the island of Dominica by whom he had a large family. He purchased the estate of Cuffnells, in the New Forest, which he spent a large sum in ornamenting. His regular and temperate life was prolonged to a greater extent, than might have been expected from the laborious way in which he had spent it. He died at Cuft'nells, January 13, 1818, in the 75th year of his age. It was the singular fortune of Mr Rose, that he cauld declare in his last moments, in reference to his family,