Page:A biographical dictionary of modern rationalists.djvu/373

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Sevres porcelain works. In the following year he proved his remarkable power by producing his Homme au nez casse ; but there were still years of struggle and comparative obscurity. He studied and worked in Belgium for seven years, and it was near the end of the seventies when he secured recognition. In the eighties he created wonderful portrait-busts, and his later statuary is known all over the world. He was a Commander of the Legion of Honour, President of the Inter national Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Engravers, and Vice-President of the National Society of Fine Arts. His degree in Civil Law was awarded by Oxford University, and he was generally admitted to be the greatest sculptor since Michael Angelo some say since Pheidias. As one would gather from the spirit of his entire work, Eodin was a thorough Ration alist. His favourite authors were Eousseau and Baudelaire, and his funeral was purely secular. His biographer, C. Mauclair, mildly observes that he was " independent of any religious doctrine " (Augusts Eodin, Eng. trans., 1905, p. 26). D. Nov. 17,1917.

ROGEARD, Louis Auguste, French writer. B. Apr. 25, 1820. Ed. Ecole Norm ale, Paris. For ten years Eogeard taught grammar and rhetoric in the pro vinces ; but he was dismissed because he refused to attend Mass. He went to Paris, to engage in private teaching, and worked with the Eationalists and Eepublicans. In 1856 he was arrested for joining a secret society, and in 1865 he was condemned to prison for five years. He escaped from France, and did not return until 1870, when he collaborated with Pyat on Le Vengeur. He was expelled again in 1873, returning at the general amnesty. Much of his journalistic work, signed " Atheist," was very anti-clerical. D. Dec. 7, 1896.

ROGERS, Professor James Edwin

Thorold, M.A., economist. B. 1823. Ed.

Southampton, King s College, London, and

Oxford (Magdalen Hall). Thorold Rogers


was an ardent High Churchman in his Oxford days. He was ordained priest, and acted as curate at Oxford until 1859, when he became a Eationalist and quitted the Church. When the Clerical Disabilities Eelief Act, which he had energetically promoted, was passed, he was the first to avail himself of it and formally get rid of his orders. He had become a classical tutor at Oxford, and was university examiner from 1857 to 1862. From early years he had taken a keen interest in economic questions, and in 1859 he was appointed the first Tooke Professor of statistics and economic science at King s College, where he taught until his death. From 1862 to 1867 and from 1888 to 1890 he was also Drummond Professor of political economy at Oxford. Thorold Eogers was a great friend of Cobden and Bright and a strenuous Liberal worker for reform. He sat in Parliament from 1880 to 1886. His chief work, History of Agri culture and Prices (8 vols., 1866-87), is a very valuable compilation. D. Oct. 12, 1890.

ROKITANSKY, Professor Baron Karl von, M.D., Bohemian anatomist and pathologist. B. Feb. 19, 1804. Ed. Leimeritz Gymnasium, and Prague and Vienna Universities. In 1828 he was appointed assistant at the Pathological- Anatomical Institute ; and from 1834 to 1875 he was professor of pathological anatomy at Vienna University and Pro sector at the Vienna Grand Hospital. Eokitansky was the founder of the German school of pathological anatomy, and his labours are largely responsible for the medical reputation which the universities of Prague and Vienna obtained. He brought about great reforms in medicine, and his works (chiefly his Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomic, 3 vols., 1842-46) were of high value. D. June 23, 1878.


Marie, French politician. B. Feb. 18, 1734. He was in his early years trained by an 674 2 A