Page:A book of folk-lore (1913).djvu/267

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  1. Red hunter, 251.
  2. Reflection, 165–166.
  3. Ribbon race, 256–257.
  4. Riddles, solving of, 135–137.
  5. Riding the stang, 249–251.
  6. River demands a life, 114.
  7. Road of souls, 151.
  8. Sacrifice, 87–122.
  9. Sacrifice— — —, human, 93–122.
  10. Saint Martin’s Eve, 174–175.
  11. Saturday, 83–84.
  12. Scotland, sacrifices in, 89, 92–93.
  13. Scratch, old, 84.
  14. Sea demands a sacrifice, 114.
  15. Sex, change of, 55–56.
  16. Shadow, 164–165.
  17. Shadow— — — of Ashlydiat, 68–69.
  18. Ship of the Dead, 155–156.
  19. Shipping the dead, 156–158.
  20. Skulls, 176–198.
  21. Soul as a bee, 36–37.
  22. Soul— — — as a blackbird, 39.
  23. Soul— — — as a flame, 20–34.
  24. Soul— — — as an owl, 38.
  25. Soul— — — as a serpent, 34–35.
  26. Soul— — — as a swan, 38–39, 50.
  27. Souls in the wind, 149–151.
  28. Souls— — —, land of, 159–161.
  29. Spell with Thor’s hammer, 77.
  30. Stag hunt, 252.
  31. Stone balls, 180.
  32. Stratification of Folk-lore, 9.
  33. Sutur, 84.
  34. Swan forms, 38–39, 50.
  35. Swords, famous, 205–209.
  36. Swords— — —, how fashioned, 215, 218–219.
  37. Thor, the thunder god, 77–79.
  38. Transformation myths, 48–64.
  39. Transformation— — —, voluntary, 48–57.
  40. Transformation— — —, involuntary, 57–62.
  41. Tresmarrow, skull at, 187.
  42. Trevelyan family, 12.
  43. Types, human, 236–237.
  44. Tyrfing, 205–209.
  45. Unquiet grave, 134.
  46. Ursula (S.), Cologne, skulls in, 184.
  47. Vampires, 127–133, 146–147.
  48. Velund the smith, 50, 182–183, 215.
  49. Viglund, see Velund.
  50. Völsunga Saga, 50–51.
  51. Wadden, skull at, 187–188.
  52. Warbleton, skull at, 189–190.
  53. Wardley Hall, skull at, 192–193.
  54. Washfleld, 125.
  55. Water of Life story, 243.
  56. Weasel, soul seen as, 35.
  57. Well of the world’s end, 58.
  58. Werewolves, 51–54.
  59. White Cat story, 242.
  60. White Lady, 80–83.
  61. Wild huntsman, 73–76.
  62. Will-o’-the-wisp, 30.
  63. Youngest son inherits, 242–246.