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LIFE OF PAUL JONES. In one vol.'l2mo., with 100 Illustrations. " Life of Rear Admiral John Paul Jones," &c. &c, by James Hamilton. The work is compiled from his original journals and correspondence; and includes an account of his services in the American Revolution, and in the war between the Russians and Turks in the Black Sea. There is scarcely any Naval Hero of any age who combined in his character so much of the adventurous, skilful and daring, as Paul Jones. The incidents of his life are almost as startling and absorbing .is those of romance. His achievements during the American Revolution — the fight between the Bon Homme Richard and Serapis, the most desperate naval action on record, and the alarm into which, with so small a force, he threw the coasts of England and Scotland, are matters comparatively well known to Americans; but the incidents of his subsequent career have been veiled in obscurity, which is dis- sipated by this Biography. A book like this, narrating the actions of such a man, ought to meet with an extensive sale, and become as popular as Robinson Crusoe in fiction, or Weems' Life of Marion and Washington, and similar books in fact. It contains 400 pages — has a handsome portrait and medallion likeness of Jones, and is illustrated with numerous original wood engravings of naval scenes and distinguished men with whom he was familiar. L. G. Curtis, Esq., editor of The Commercial, Cincinnati, Ohio, speaking of this work, &c, observes: — " Life of Rear Admiral Paul Jones, illustrated with nume- rous engravings from original drawings." This book we prize above any in our possession. John Paul Jones was truly an extraordinary man. He had the honor to hoist with his own hands the flag of freedom, the first time it was displayed in the Delaware, and in after life declared that he attended it with veneration ever after. To Paul Jones the honor of raising up an American navy belongs. He was the first commander in the world who made the proud flag of England "come down." His life, as printed by Messrs. Grigg, Elliot & Co., should be in the hands of every intelligent American. WALKER'S SCHOOL AND FAMILY DICTIONARY NEW EDITION. FROM NEW STEREOTYPE PLATES, GREATLY IMPROVED, AND PRINTED ON WHITE PAPER. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English language, in which the meaning of every word is explained, and the sound of every syllable distinctly shown. To which are prefixed an Abstract of English Pronunciation, and Directions to Foreigners for Acquiring a Knowledge of the Use of this Dictionary. By John Walker, author of "Elements of Elocution," "Rhyming Dictionary," t &c. &c. Abridged for the use of Schools, by an American Citizen. P. S. This is a new edition, on fine paper, and improved in printing and bind- ing. Parents and Teachers will please examine and order Grigg, Elliot & Co.'s Improved Edition. An eminent writer, and a good judge of the value of Dictionaries, observes as follows : — . We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Grigg, Elliot & Co., No. 14 North Fourth Street, a copy of their new and handsome edition of Walker's Criti- cal Pronouncing Dictionary for Schools. The present edition is decidedly the best and most convenient we have ever seen, both in regard to the size of the type on which it is printed, and the style and form in which it is issued. It has been "got up" in a handsome and substantial manner, expressly for schools — has been greatly improved and made better in every respect for teachers and scholars. All teachers who have any regard for their eyes and the eyes of their scholars, would find it to their advantage to use this edition, printed as it is from new stereotype plates and on clean white paper. The edition is for sale by booksellers and coua» try merchants generally throughout the United States. 7