Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/105

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185 EAMA-SVAMAYYA- -PtAMBHA 186 EAMA-SVAMAYYA, Faramdtmuni, of Chittur. See Kalidasa. Complete Notes [by Malia-devayya and Rama-svainnyya] on . . . Ra.gluivanisaiii, li.c. 1895. 12°. 14174. f. 12.(2.) /See Panoha-tantra. ■?r'xr»cSora5'S5'^o sSo^- lJoi^sio -aooli [Raja-niti-padyamulu. With inter- pretation by Raraa-svainayya and Maha-devayya.] 1895. 12^ 14174, f. 12.(3.) See Vikesa-lingamu, K. Complete Notes [by Rama-svamayya and Maha-devayya] on Ncethi decpika, etc. 1895. 12^ 14174. f. 12.(1.) RAMA-SVAMI AIYAR, Hosuru. See Sankaka- CHARYA. [Bouhtfal and Supposititious Worksl] Srimath Sankarachariar's Dwatrimsa inaujari in English and Telugu poetical garb . . . By Hosur Ramaswamy. 189G. 8°. 14174. b. 50. RAMA-SVAMI SASTRI, VdviUa Vc'iika(esvara-im°. See Krishna-deva. es.^f^sin>e)§i^ smW (Amukta- malyada, etc.) [Edited with interpretation, etc., styled Ruchi, by Rama-svami.] 1907. 8°. 14175. a. 33. [For other works edited by R. S., see under the following headings :] Amaka-simha. Gautama. Bhaskaeaciiarya. Sabda-manjari. Devala. Uttara-gIta. RAMAYA, disciple of GundlapaUi Vlra BrahmPudra and Rilma BrahmSndra. gl°Tyo^-^^. [Juaniiii- jauamu. An account, in Puranic narrative form, of Yogic and monistic teachings, in 3 dsviisas of verse mixed with prose.] (Bramlia Vidya Series no. 6.) pp. 50. Madras, 1901. 8°. 14174. b. 29.(2.) RAMAYA MANTRI, Krovvidi Lalcshml-ndrdi/am- pu" 6 A-o'sSo-s'o^^ s^^^ -iSd^o^ij^ i^-^- ^^-cp$oS■^&). [Chitra-rilgliavamn. A poem, with occasional prose, on the legend of Rama as told in the Ramayana, and especially in the Uttara- kanda thereof. With English preface by Chenua- pragadaBliauu-miirti.] ^ew^'o [Ellore,] 1009, etc. 8°. 14175. a, 30. In progress. RAMAYA MANTRI, Yandapalli Sdmhaya-pu°. A's^jS^^T^g^.'io cssb^TV"^^. [GayopJikhyanamu. The story of Krishna's conquest of Gayasura and his pardon of him for the sake of Arjuna, told as a lyrical drama in yaksha-gdna style. Edited by Sarikonda Lakshml-narasimha Razu.] pp. 100. «bo4jj^«J [Guntur,] 1909. 8". 14174. h. 56. RAMAYANA. ^_^sa^;w^:S^'cs6c^!S^S•^^63. " -&iS-^. [Ramayana-vachanamu. A prose work purport- ing to be a translation, by Chandnibhotla Rama- brahraananda Sadmayabhishiia, of the Ramayana, or Sanskrit poem on the history of the divine hero Rama, in the original form as preserved by the Deva-nfigara-sanghamu, a society for which is claimed the exclusive possession of a knowledge of Sanskrit and a centre at "Chetana-kalpamu " in the Himalaya.] pp. 75. "^c^^^^ffo [Madras,] 1908. 8°. 14174, gg. 24. RAMA YOGI, Annam-rdzu. (^ • • • S'o-!5'|J5J'So?o«b g'J5S'e5S'otU(3S [Suddhadvaita-prabodha-guru-sishya- sarnvadamu. A treatise in 2 parts of 6 cantos each, expounding, chiefly in handdrdha verse, doctrines of monistic theology, Yogic exercises, and mystic enlightenment. Followed by a hymn of 150 verses to the god Siva. Edited by , Mandadi Venkatappaya.] pp. 8, 6, 4, 210, 14. -^2i^& [Bezivada,] VMS. 8°. 14174. bb. 21. RAMA YOGINDRA, Krisli7iam-dchdrya-pu°. "i-cyo. ^p^^^. [Vedanta-saramu. A c/tam^JM summar- isiog Vedantic philosophy and theology in 3 dsvdsas of prose and verse.] (Bramha Vidya Series no. 5.) pp. 48. Madras, 1901. 8^ 14174. b. 16,(3.) RAMAYYA, Chittamuru. See [Addenda] Krishn.- MURTi, /. 558'5S3Abi6iS';S'f3fSp^9. [Parama-guru - charana-sanuidlii. A tran-slation by Riimayya of " At the Feet of the Master."] 1911. 12°. 14174. a, 51. RAMAYYA, Jayanti. An Essay on Telugu Language and Literature [in English.] pp. i. i. 32. Vizagapatam, I80(j. 8°. 14174. n. 30.(1.) RAMAYYA, Katilieueni Surana-pu°. See Appaya DiKsniTA. i^ • • ■ SbSejcBj'^oJS sxaU [Kuvalayu- uanda-prakasamu. Rendered from Appaya'.s Kuvalayananda by Ramayya.] [1893.] 8°. 14174. k, 54, RAMBHA, a?55i'^*g'?3o-5r"5i2 [Rambha-suka-sam- viida. A dialogue in Sanskrit verse between the sao-e Suka and the nymph Rambha, alternately