Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/115

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205 SESHACHALAMU- -SESHA-GIRI 206 Thinl edition.] pp. v. 107. 1891.. 12°. '^c3l" [Madras,] 14174. b. 40. [Fourth edition, containing 125 hymns.] pp. v. lOS. "^r^^^l [MaJra.-i,] 1898. 12°. 14174. b. 52. ft ••^S'S'-i3'Soy3S(?ew [Suka-paiicha- vimsatl-kathalu. 25 erotic talcs, told by king Vikramarka in the form of a parrot to restrain a woman from infidelity ; an adaptation from the Sanskrit Suka-saptati. Srcoud edition.] pp. 21G. ^(S'^S^o n^'^r- [liladras, 18S9.] 8°. 14174, gg. 20. SESHACHALA NAYADU, Koixld. See Cuakra Kavi, and others. -O^^-^^^^SHiT'^S^. [Cbitra- prasnottara-ratnavali. Edited with Telugu com- mentaries, etc., by Seshachala.] [1899.] 8°. 14072. cc. 55.(2.) — SeeVENKATA-NARASIMnA-MaUTIj/v. V. (&^ioS- «§six)ew«'e; ^-&>«'«'ll [Bhimesa-satakaniu. Edited by R. N.] [1909.] 8°. 14175. a. 38. SESHACHAEYULU, Guttupalli. See Maha-bha- EATA. — Modern Versions. _Salilid-parva.' sb^^- ^^^ -^coii [Sabha-parva. Published with preface by S.] 1909. 8°. 14065. ee. 1. See Maha-bhaeata. — Modern Versions. [Viriita-parva.~ s&;j^^8'eJ^ -jodII [Virata-parva. Published with preface by S.] 1908. 8°. 14060. d. 17. See ValmIki. — Ramayana. — Prose Versions. ^^ . , . Tr>sSr=cJ5Sf3 II [Ramayana. Edited with Telugu translation by Seshacharyulu.] 1902-1905. 12°. 14065. b. 26. See ValmIki. — Ramayana. — Frose Vt er.sions. -53T_^i{fM^^£o. [Valmiki-ratnamulu. Compiled with Telugu paraphrases a,ud notes by Sesha- charyulu.] 1901. 12°. 14065. b. 25. SESHACHARYULIJ, Kodamagundla AppaJachdrija- j)M°. ^^1 . . . (^ 5'^^Sin>Sir»j3?r=&>^'c-^i. [iSrl- krishna-lihi-vilasa-natakamu. A drama on the mythical sports of Krishna.] pp. 4S. ■^(^j^H no-o-o [il/a(?-ms, 1880.] 8°. 14174. h. 10. (^ • • • sJ'^»'^KS»j-°^^foi;'c-5>:. [Vasu-raja- viUlsa-natakamu. A lyrical phay on the adventures of king Vasu-rJija. Followed by Hasya-vrittan- taiuu, a shoi't lyrical comedy.] pp. 58 no-o-o [Afadras, 1880.] 8°. 14174. h. 8. SESHACHARYULU, Marudurl Rdghava-pu". -t^S^. SJ-^J5;^^§g-•S•8^^. [Peran-kuratt'-ajvan-cliaritra. A poetical biography of the Srl-vaislinava apostle Kiiratt'-arviin. Edited by Arvar Tiruuagari Deva-rajayya Siiri.] pp. 36, i. cxt'Af' [Madras? 1859.] 8°. 14174. b. 4. SESHACHARYULU, .V. Ch. See Joyes (W.) and Seshacharyulu, N. Ch. Telegoo Series. First Poetical Reader, etc. 1859. 8°. 14174. k. 8. SESHACHARYULU, ranihdram Tirumala. Clian- drahasa Drama. [A drama in 5 acts on the legendary fortunes of Chandra-hasa, the adopted son of Kulinda.] By T. Seshachai-y. [Revised by M. Subrayulu Nayutlu.] {So^'^ii. ejpb 9'^oTV°{f7T-t3i'5i«.) pp. 4, ii. 121. lfa(?)Y/s, 1910. 12°. 14174. h. 34.(5.) Prahlatha Drama. [A drama in 4 acts on the legend of Vishnu's salvation of his votary Prahlada (Bhag.-pur°. vii.).] By T. Seshachary. [Revised by M. Subrayulu Nayudu.] (^^^JJCe- ^sh^. t9,«S f^oiva-cykoS'^.) pp. 98. Madras, 1910. 12°. 14174. h. 34.(6.) SESHADRI RAZU, 13. See ValmTki.— Ramayana. —Metrical Versioiis. (^ • • • ^^i^1^o^^xy;SJ^a£>n it [Andhra-ramayanamu. Edited by S.] [1894.] 8 14175. b. 5. SESHADRI SARMA, Zanama/ldti Suhrahmanya- pu°., (Tandava-kkishna). See Yoga-vasishtha- kamayana. ■5r'^s.xp>5in.csor3 5& "aco II [Vasishtha- ramayanamu. With preface by Seshadi-i.j 190S- 8°. 14174. bbb. 8. (^s'D^j'o,¥|;r€£n";3§sj-«^_ug5&) [Andhra- hfilasya-mahatmyamu. A poetical composition on the legends of the Saiva sanctuary at Madura, adapted from the section of the same name in the Skanda-purana.] pp. vi. iii. 340, iii. Viza- g[apatam], 1906. 8°. 14174. bb, 17. SESHA-GIRI RAU, Bronama-rdzu S'dd-pati-pu" . ^S'5i)'er°J;-;5'5Jg?o"!3^§s?. [Chamatkara-varna-padya- vali. Complimentary and religious verses, dedicated to Raja Kalepalli Achyuta-ramayya.] pp. 10. «(f-3-^3 [Anahapalli^ 1908. 12°. 14174. i. 29 (L)