Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/119

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213 SITA-EAMACHARYULU- -SITA-EAMAYYA 214 SITA - EAMACHAEYULU, B., of Govt. Normal School, Madras. Sabda ratnakarain. A dic- tionary of tlio Telugu language. (^■a^iT'^^SrSy:,.) pp. xxxviii. 1149. Madras, lS8o. 8°. 14174. n. 20. SITA-RAMACHAEYULU, VavgTpuramu. e5Tr-?^§- ^^^iriSsxxi. [Acharya-ratna-haramu. A poem on the lives of tlie apostles and doctors of the Sri-vaishnava Church, comprising (i.) Ramanuja- prabha, a life of R°., in 4 taranrjas, (ii.) Divya- siiri-pr°., lives of the Tamil Arvars, in 4 tarangas, and (iii.) Purvacharya-pr°., lives of later teachers, in 2 taraiigas. Edited by Chilakamarri Vehkata- krishnani-acharyulu.] pp. 2, 325. Eajahrnundry, 1910. 8°. 14174. bb. 20.(2.) SITA-EAMA-DASA, TddepulU. See SIta-rama- SVAMI, T. li. SITA-EAMA MANTEI, Mcldi-rc'iiu Bhagavat-ini° . iSosia^S'l) CT=o2a'^oSa5'ej£'ji>D. [Sanjivi-pura-virafi- jaueya- satakamu. 108 Vaishiiava verses in honour of tho monkey-god Hanuman.] pp. 37. ^^^Sforsctoo [jVrtf/rfts,] 1901. 12°. 14174, a. 28.(1.) SiTA-EAMANUJACHAEYULU,7v'7«^/i7/-/,andNAEA- SIMHACHAEYULU, JirtHrfwri. -^-A^&^s^n^. [San- gita-darpanamu. A manual of music] pt. i. pp.42; plate. aexr»5i [jj^/ore,] 1897. 12°. 14174. e. 18. SITA-EAMA-EAZU, Balla Ptraya-pu°., of Vula- paUi. (^ ■ • • i^^'^^o^^^'^Ty'K^tS^. [Andhro- pabhagavatamu. An adaptation of bks. 1-5 of the Bhagavata, in verse mixed with prose. Edited by P. Surayya Sastri.] pp. ii. 152. -T'i^aS [Cocanada,] 1901. 8°. 14174. bb. 7. SITA-EAMA SASTEI, KumhhaUnam. See Bhartri- HARi. C^ • ■ ■ ■S'S'S'^eS^cjsi II [Niti-sataka, Sringara- s°., and Vairagya-s°. Edited by S. S.] [1876.] 8°. 14072. d. 31. SITA-EAMA SASTEI, Puduri. {^s^^^S^.) [Bala- sikslia. A first reader, with lessons in spelling, literary composition, mathematics, etc. Edited by Venkata-krishna Sastri.] pp. 78. "^^ [Madras, 1856.] 8°. 14174. n. 22. Without title-page. • -S-giTej^j;. [Pedda-bala-siksha. A first on literary subjects, prosody, Sanskrit hymns, geography, etc., being an enlarged edition of Sita- rama's Bala-siksiia.] pp. 90. n<r£_^A [Madras, 1865.] 8°. 14174. n. 7. irejSirs'e)^eJe6^ [Bala - viveka - kalpa - reader for native schoolsj with additional matter taruvu. Another enlarged edition of the Bala- siksha. Edited by K. Kesavficharyulu.] rxn^Vi , [Madras, 1865.] 8°. 14174. n. 9. The pagination is 1-6, 1-30, 7, 8, 3-50. SITA-EAMA SASTRI, Vedula Yajilesvara-jm". ep . . . TffSQ-cSr- J ir'!-^ , . . ^sS'JJ?S'ra tS"r'73'^eJo»')7r> 'SmU [Bharata-sangrahamu. A metrical treatise in 5 chapters on the art of acting, dramatic dancing, and music, with prose paraphrase styled Bhava-darpanamu.] pp. 2,120. -xrzi^o^[Jl(ij(i]i- mimdri/,'] 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 34. SITA-EAMA- SVAMI, Lnani Venlcata-rdmaya-pu". f&j'sf^i^^ozid "SS" ji8?'»r^ [Tribhrisha-maSjari. A vocabulary in Telugu, Hindi, and Persian, printed entirely in the Telugu character.] pt. i. pp. 32. Masidlpatam, 1890. 12°. 14174. m. 20. ' SITA-EAMA -SVAMI, Kcllhi, of Sitd-rama-vUdsa Press, Ichchapuram. ib'ee DattatrEya. ^e)jsp:e (S&i533&)J^o7o«b^t«(y . . . Vaseekarana Tantram. [Edited with Telugu translation by Sita-raraa.] 1909. 12°. . 14028. bb. 31. See VisvA. ciie>2S,Soe)§b occoSafo ^^'ofiAbrftxe) . . . sygpl^otx^ [Nanartha-visva-nighantu. Edited with interpretation by Sita-rama.] 1909. 12°. 14090. b. 47. SiTA-EAMA-SVAMI, TddepalU Paja-sekhara-pu° . ^ . . . ^^Sg'^'D'ras&i. [Vishnu-puranainu. A poetical adaptation of the Sanskrit Purana, in mixed verso and prose.] 2 vols. pp. i. v. 391, i. vii. 6, 458, i. 8; 1 plate. aexj-Co [Ellore,'] 1904. 8°. 14174. bb. 13. SITA-EAMA YOGI, Safa-ghantamu, of KahihaKtl. ^grQs_^'S'6^'s&). [Svanta-varti-satakamu. 127 devotional verses of Saiva mysticism.] See Nara- SAYTA, Kadimdla. ■p^'^o^'S ^9 [Theosophical poems, c/c] pp. 1-26. 1902. 8°. 14175. a. 9. SITA-EAMAYYA, Satti-rd2U. Si^,^!$^^p ss-^. oMSfcjS^g'JJrajSMeo. [Vinoda-vahini. 15 chapters on interesting facts of science.] pp. 8, 352. aexT^ii, [Ellore,] 1903. 8°. 14174. eee. 12.