Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/127

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229 SUBBA-EAMA- -SUBBA-KAYADU 230 SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, J. Vdranasi. Sec Siddhana Gaudu. (^ • • • 'P^^o!<if!i-'fr° [Siirangadhara- natakamu. Edited by S.S.] [1S81.] 8^ 14174. h. 7. SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, C, of Wcshi/an Mission High School, Triplicane. See Sukya-naeayana Sastui, D., and others. Copious Annotations on the Matriculation Telugu Text . . . By . . . Subbarama Sastrulu, etc. 1900. 8". 14174. k. 45.(5.) SUBBA-RAMAYYA, G. E. See Pokanas.— B/w/^ya- vatn-'purana. Rukmini kalyanam. [Translated] by G. R. Subramiah Pantulu, etc. 1907. 4°. 14096. e. (vol. 36.) SUBBA-RAMAYYA, Tidugu. See Indra-kantha- vallabhacharya. ^ • • • '^^'^■^ow^^ [Vaidya- chintamani. With Telugu interpretation by Subba-ramayya.] [1883.] 4°. 14043.6.15. See Jagan-nathddu, 0., and Sri-rama- MURTi, (?. t?'^^,s«tr'8s^lJ^ -acoll [Andhra-pada- parijatamu. Edited by S.] 1888. 8°. 14174. n. 21. See Nadi. t5y£^"^»lJe) . . . ts-A^X.^^'^^ "2»»il [Nadi-nakshatra-raalii, etc. With Telugu version by Subba-ramayya.] [1881.] 8°. 14043. c. 28.(2.) See Raghu-natha-peasada Sukala. ° ° ° ■sp'^iS'ti^v^,^^^. [Vajikara-kalpa-drumamu. With Telugu translation by Subba-ramayya.] [1901.] 8°. 14043. cc. 18. SUBBA RAO, T. Venhata. See Venkata-sdbba Rao, T. SUBBA RAU, Adal-M. The Telugu Primer, for the use of those who wish to study the Telugu language, by Adacki Sooba Row. pp. ii. 232, xvi. il/a(?ras, 1851. 16°. 14174. m. 11. SUBBA RAU, M., (Vishnu-pada). See Maha- BHAEATA. — Modem Versions. [Bhagavad- gJtd.' ^^^!£^Ks^iP' -2ooii [Bhagavad-gita. With a Telugu paraphrase styled °tatparya-sangrahamu by Subba Rau.] 1908. 16°. 14060. a. 17. See [Addenda] Maha-bhakata. — Nannaya and Tililcana's Version, o o o i^^Ts^o^^i^sre^- VS^siaitxU [Udyoga-parvamu. An easy prose para- phrase by Subba Rau.] 1910. 4°. 14174. 1. 19. SUBBA RAU, Tota Tirumala-ruiia-im°. ^o^,^6- 66^T'rSx}a aSo(& ^■iSi)^^o^sia, [Andhra- para- tattva-kaumudi, or Achala-grandhamu. A prose work interspersed with verse, setting forth the monistic doctrine of a First Principle absolutely devoid of qu.alities, and preceded by an auto- biography of the author. Edited by Tejo-murtulu Soma-yaji.] pp. xxiv. 151. "S2i5r»2» [Bezu-adu,] 1898. 8'. 14174. b. 16,(2.) SUBBA RAU, V. SeeVENKATA-RAMANUJULU Nayudu, C, and others. Notes on the Telugu Text for the Matricvlation [sic] Examination 1898. By . . . V. Subba Row, etc. 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 62. SUBBA RAU, Vaddddi. See Subua-kayudu. SUBBA RAU, VdviUlioIanu Bd ma-chandrn -im° . See Valmiki. — Ramayana. — Metrical Versions. Sree math Andhra Valmiki Ramayanamu. A literal metrical translation . . . By . . . Subba Row. 1909. 4°. 14175. b. 7. (^?^;Sj-»§s58c3cSDt-Ski. (SreeKausalyaparina- yam.) [A work in 6 dsvdsas of verse interspersed with prose on the epic legend of the union of king Aja with Indumati and of Dasa-ratha with Kau- salya.] pp. xiv. 159 ; 1 plate. Madras, 1902. 8". 14175. a. 31. The English iitle is from the cover. See Padmanabha Sastei. Copious Notes on Sree Kausalya parinayamu, first canto, etc. 1904. 8°, 14175. a. 14.(1.) SUBBA RAU, Veldla. Rani Samyukta (^^rSoa&>^), Historical novel in Telugu [on the adventures and loves of Prithvi-rilj, who fell in battle in 1192, and Samyukta, daughter of the king of Kanauj]. Vijnana Chandrika Series iv. Edited by K. V. Lakshman Rao. pp. viii. 207. Hyderabad, ^r^^" [JfoJms printed], 1908. 12°. 14174. f. 34.(1.) SUBBA-RAYADU, Mahd-hdli. See Ramanujachae- YULU, A'., and others. Sree Chanakya charitram ... by K. Ramanuja Chari . . , and M. H. Subbai-a- yadu, etc. 1885. 12°, 14174. f. 1. ■ See SuEAYA, -4. B. ?56§-s^c^$^,-?!-sS5"^tJ,j3-m. [Andhra-uama-seshamu. With notes. Edited by S.] 1894. 12°. 14174. m. 23.(1.) 1894. 16°. 14174. m. 24.