Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/131

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237 SUEATANI- -SUEAYA 238 as narrating tlio story of oitlicr tlio liiitnayana or the Malia-bliarata, in imitation of the Sanskrit work of the same name by Kavi-rajn, and dedi- cated to Peda-venkatadri of Akuvid, about 1500 A.D. With au interpretation styled Raghava-pandaviyadarsambu by Mudda-rjizu Poda-rama Dhi-mani. Edited by Nelatiiru Krishnam-acharyulu.] pp. 144. no-i^yl [Mudrnn, 18G5.] 4°. 14174. 1. 6. [Another issue, with similar title- page.] pp. 252. oo-o-^ [Madras, 1882.] 8°. 14174. k. 30. STJRATANI. o o o -^?5'-er'i?§'«^§E9sSbo-cs5o,i;7v'^s5M [SuratJlni- kalyanamu. An anonymous old dramatic poem in yahsha-gdna style upon the legend of the god Ranga-natha's union with a princess of Delhi by means of the former's image.] pp. 68. Vizianayram, n^^^r [1808.] 12°. 14174. i. 20.(2.) SURAYA, Adidamu Bfda-bhds]cara-pu° . eSKaio- -^S'S'S |^r!eJ(A^,o^.^e» -sodII [Kavi-jana-raiija- namu, or Chandraraati-parinayamu, a poem in 3 dsvdsas on the adventures and love of Hari- chandra and Chandramati ; Kavi-sarnsaya-vich- chhedamu, metrical rules of grammar and style for the use of poets, in 3 taravgas, illustrated by examples from various poems ; Andhra-chandra- lokamu, a metrical treatise on the art of poetry ; Andhra-nama-seshamu, a metrical vocabulary, supplementing the Andhra-nama-sangrahamu of Paidipati Lakshmanudu; Rama-lingesa-satakamu, devotional verses ; and 9 padyamidu.] (Chintha- mani Press Series. No. 1. Aditham-Suranna.) pp.110. Madras, 1899. S°. 14174, k. 55.(4.) The An'dhra Chandraloka of Adidamu Soorakavi, with the Sanskrit Chandraloka [falsely supposed to be the work] of Appayya Deekshita. [Works on the graces of style.] Edited ... by Chevali Subrahmanyam. (^roo^9,-s'o,^^"e3cn'S'six).) pp. iv. 51, i. ii. Vizar/ajiafarn, 1898. 8°. 14053. 0. 66. This " Sanskrit ChandraloTca" is incomplete, for it com- prises only the bulk of vv. 11-178 of the 5th mayukha, accord- ing to Surya-bali-rdma's edition (Benares, 1895). sso^^^o,^es^^^. [Andhra-chandralo- kamu] . . . Edited with introduction by Rajah M. Bhuganga [sic] Rau. (M.anjuvaui Sei-ies. No. 1.) pp. 6, 31. EUore, 1898. 12°. 14174, i. 30.(1.) 7Skl~s^°o^^-or'si3'4■^^. [Andhra-nama- seshamu. A metrical repertory of synonymous substantives, supplementing the Andhra-naiua- sangrahamu of Paidipati Lakshmanudu.] See Lakshmanudu, Paidipa/i E. . 73'!5-5^o^g^-?r'sS)j3a ii [Andhra-nama-sarigrahamu, etc.'] pp. 56-72. [1840.] 8°. 14174. n. 10. — See Laksiimandiid, rnldij'dli E. [Andhra-nama-sangrahamu, tie] ff.60-78. [1859.] obi. 12°. 14174. m. 18. ^o^W^ "fs.sJxi. [Andbi-a-naraa-sesha- mu.] See SeInivasa Jagan-natha Svami. tso^9,- p ^ofcu -if e>o si {;-?&) [Andhra-nighantu-chatushka- mu],etc. pp. 65-79. 1891. 12°. 14174. n. 24. ^SiA-^o^f-^sb^^sia. [Andhra-nama- seshamu. With notes. Edited by Maha-kali Subba-rayadu.] pp. 32. Nellore, 1894. 12°. 14174. m. 23.(1.) [Another edition, without notes.] pp. 27. Nellore, [894. 1G°. 14174. m. 24. -r3fe§"5-°o^,^5SD^&c-i«. [Andhra-nama- seshamu. With glosses.] See Lakshmanuou, Panlipdti E. °oo tS0(^7r>5i3^0(^^soj -sooH [An- dhra-nama-sangrahamu, etc.] pp. 62-80. 1906. 8°. 14174. n. 47. s'S^r'TcabS^^aJsiM. [Kavi-samsaya- vich- chhedamu. Rules of grammar and style. Edited with notes by Para-vastu Venkata-ranga-natha Svami.] pp. ii. 80. 1897. ' 8°. See Periodical Publications. — Vi.^agapatam. -r3^'e.S)^3^^?5J4J^p. [Sakala- vidyabhivardhani.] vol. iv., pts. 1-4. 1892-1897. 12° & 8°. 14174. g. 38.(vol. 4.) ((^^c^^^oiSS'Scu.) [Sri-riima-daiidakamu. A devotional poem to the divine hero Rama, in free bacchiau metre.] pp. 8. 1900. See Peri- odical Publications. — Nellore. Sree Vagvalli, etc. vol. ii., no. 1. 1899-1901. 8°. 14174. n. 38.(vol. 2.) Sree Ramalingesa satakam. [106 verses on the cult of Siva as symbolised in the Edma- lliiga] by Adidamu Soora Kavi. (^^-^^£)o^¥. •rsj'sio.) pp. 53. Ellore, 1906. 12°. 14174. a. 29.(3.) -