Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/139

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253 TIEUPATr- -TEirURA-SUNDAEI 254 Asva-ineJha-p°., in (5 acts.] (i^ ■irol^sr'^^^'iaif^. TTior^iw.) pp. ii. lot. MasuUpatam, VM7. 8°. 14174. h. 36.(3.) ■^oJiSSacSbsSu "aco II [Piinrlava- vijayainu. A drama in G acts on the legenil of the Malia- bharata, translated from a Sanskrit play by the same authors.] pp. ii. 135. 1905. See Pkki- ODicAL Publications. — Bujalimunih-ij. The kSara- swati, etc. vol. vi.j no. 1 — vol. vii., no. 1. 1898, etc. 8°. 14174. gg. 2.(vols. 6, 7.) • Pandavavijayamu, in seven acts. .. Second edition, pp. ii. i. 138. CocanacJa, 1907. 8°. 14174. h. 36.(2.) Panditarajam. Drama [in 5 acts on the legends of the life of the Sau.skrit poet Jagan- iiatha Pandita-raja,] by Tirupati Venkateswara Kavulu. (Sofie^xpaiaio.) pp. 2, i. 75. Madras, 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(3.) Satavadhanasaram, [A collection of im- promptu verses in Sanskrit and Telugu.] (s'eT'- iS^P^^-p^Ssia.) pp. vii. 132. Masul ipatam, 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 22.(3.) sSTfT^^sSjoj. [Vana-ma-mala-satavadhauamu and Vana- ma-malashtavadhanamu. Collections of extempore verses in Telugu and Sanskrit on rDiscellaueous themes, composed at the request of Raja Rama-chandra Appa-rau at Nuzvid in the presence of the Abbot of the Vanaraamalai monastery. With a preface by Varanasi Rama- miirti.] pp. 3, 24. -^S^r^eS [Cocanada,] 1908. 8°. 14174. k. 52.(4.) TIRUPATI VENKATESVARA KAVULU. See Tiko- PATi Sastri, D., and Venkatesvaea Sastei, Gh. TIRUPATULU. ^"SopSoaSsiS&ej ^^sssoo. [Niit'- enimidi tirupatula prabhavamu. A compendious guide to the 108 great Vaishnava sanctuaries.] pp. 80. ^?r^Sfor3S5io [Madras,] 1898. 16^ 14174. a. 27. TIRU-VALLUVAR. ^^'^s^- [Trivargamu. A metrical translation, by Sokkam Narasimhulu Nayadu, of the Tamil Kural, 1330 couplets on themes of morals, policy, and love. With English preface by P. Rauga-natham.] pp. 4, 20, 136. Madras, 1892. 8°. 14174. k. 50. TIRU-VENGADACHARYULU, Sarasvaii Anantd- churya-jm". See Amaha-simiia. (J^ . . . Ao^j^sj- ^S^,2y*^S' -a»li [Nama-linganusasana. Edited with a Telugu commentary styled Guru-bala-pral o- dhika and an index called Amara-kosridarsamu byTiru-vengadichfiryulu.] [18(51.] 4°. 14090. f. 7. [18G2.] 4°. 14090. e. 9. See VAEAHA-MiniliA. ^^ . . . U^ir-^^i" ly-oW [Brihaj-jataka. With Tulugu interpretation by Tiru-vengadacharyulu.] [18G5.] 8°. 14053. c. 35. See Yajnavalkya. «&-^s«6-,^^,_)8 -s»ii [Yajiiavalkya-smriti. With the Mitakshara. Tho Sanskrit text, edited with a Telugu paraphrase of the Vyavalifira-kanda of the latter by Tiru- vengadacharyulu.] [1879.] 4°. 14039. c. 9. [For other works edited by T., see under the following headiugs :] Jaya-dSva, Bhdja-dljva-pu°. Sabda-manjaei. NaNNAYA. SEi-NATHQDU. TIRU-VENGADA-RAMANUJA JIYYAR, AUuriVeil- l-ayT/a-pu°. See Venkatadei Svami. TIRU - VENKATACHARYULU, Eomdndur. See Sankaeachaeya. [Doubtful and Suppositttlous Works.] s5o£?^^oc» -svoii [Mani-trayi. With Telugu translations, paraphrase of the first, and metrical versions of the other poems, compiled by Tiru- venkatacharyulu.] 1899. ohi. 1G°. 14028. a. 28. TIRU-VENKATACHARYULU, N. M. See Sabha- PATAYYA It. ooo T7°2i?r*^sr'oisJc'SMex> ^ro II [Pada- mulu. Selected and furnished with directions, etc., by Tiru-venkatacharyulu.] [1884.] 8°. 14174. k. 40. TIRU-VENKATARYA, Sarasvati. See Tiru-vkn- GADACHARYaLU. TRAVIS (J. B.). See Pe Poy (J. N.) and Travis (J. B.). Studies in Biblical Facts and History, etc. 1908. 12°. 14174. a. 46. TRIPURA-SUNDARI. ^^^??-^o«^§^5&'S (Qj^ ?r-^r55e«'«J?i'j5M.) [Tripura-sundari-satakamu. 109 verses in praise of the goddess Parvati.] pp. 16. no-£->l [Madras, 18G5.] 8°. 14174. k. 9.(10.)