Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/168

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311 VIEA-EAGHAYAYYA- -VIEESA-LIXGAMU 312 VIRA-RAGHAVAYYA, Hanuvianta-vazzhala. See Goldsmith (0.)- Padmini vilasam. [Being the poem " Edwin and Angelina " with Telugu metrical version] by Hauumunta Vajjala Veera- raghavaih [sic], efc. 1901. 8°. 14174. k. 66.(6.) VIRA-RAGHAVAYYA, Mosarla. ^ • • • ti^^SD. ^^^"^oS"l>'S'-?r°;&^oi^^5i«ex) -smII [Clienna-ven- katesa-nama-safikirtanamulu. 88 Vaishnava hymns on the names of the god Chenna-venkatesa, as worshipped at Sanjivirau-pet near Madras. Pre- ceded by a prose account of the god, styled Chenna- vehkatesvara-charitramu, by P. Appaya Mantri. Edited by J. R. Venkata-subrahmanyudu.] pp. 10,42. no-z^ [Madras, ]876.] 8°. 14174. b. 12. VIRA-RAGHAVAYYA, PaiigulUrl Lalshmai/amdtya- im°. The Eajahhamsa natakam. Telugu drama [in 5 acts on the loves and marriage of Raja- hamsa and Kanaka- valli]. Authorised i..e. com- posed] by Panguloori Veeraragaviah Garu of Appicutla. (xj'KSj'OjS^feoS'.^D.) pp. 92. Madras, 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 60.(5.) ViRA-RAGHAVTjpU, NtUuri Vcnhata-'pati-im°. (sr-^oiS o^^DrscSbsbo.) [Vasurndhara-parinayamu. A romantic poem, interspersed with prose.] 1897, etc. See Periodical Publications. — Nellore. (t5c-:£»- f&j& X,o^ -a»ii) [Amudrita-grantha-chintamani.] V..1. X., no. 7— vol. xvii., no. G. 1885-1904. 8°. 14174. k. ll,(vols. 10-17.) Incomplete, breaking off in pf. ii., cajito 1. VIRA-SVAMI SASTRI, Nivrifti, of Conjcvaram. [For works edited by V. S., see under the following headings :] Anui'ana. Lolimba-raja. Basava-razu. Nadi. Jata-krishna Dasu. Sarnqadhaka. VIRAYA, Sauna. See Cuanna-vIeaya. VIRAYYA, Munduru Appnyija-2m°. Begin. ^^^^- ?i ;r€^oi523^i?5S3fS=sSb;r€(^Mo$oj»^o£o "205 11 [Para- brahmananda-bSdhamu. An exposition of monistic theology, in 3 nsvilsa.'t of verso interspersed with prose.] pp. 13G. [Madras ? n.d.] 16°. 14174. a. 9. Without title-page; apparently printed about 1860. VIRAYYA, Nidiganti, and CHENGALVA-RAZTJ, Kaduru. o o o -t^isr'2:)^^^^iT'&^^. [Pedda- IJobbili - maha-razu-katlia. A popular poem. crudely illustrated, on the history of Bobbili and its defence by Raja Rahga Rau against the forces of Vizianagram and the French in 1757.] pp. 160. ^(i-^a|or3siM [Madras,] 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 51.(3.) VIRESA-LINGAM, Arddhyula. See Bhadra Kavi. ^^ . . .-^-^o^-^w [Sanandopakhyanamu. Edited by v.] [1879.] 8°. 14174. k. 15. VIRESA-LTNGAMU, Kanduhuri, Rdu Bahadur. [Life.] See Venkata-subba Rau, Toleti. Srec Veeresalingum's critical Biography. 1894. 8°. 14174. g. 40.(2.) See Aesop. Aesop's Fables . . . Trans- lated . . . into Telugu prose, with morals &c. in verse, by K. Veeresalingum, etc. 1893. 8°. 14174. g. 39. See Brown (C. P.). A Telugu-English Dictionary . . . revised . . . by . . . Veeresalingam, etc. 1903. 4°. 14174. n. 45. See Haesha-dicva. tJeT'^s?'. [Ratnavali. Translated by Viresalingamu.] [1885.] 8°. 14174. h. 11.(3.) See Kalidasa. ts^g"^ ^^osJw^ior, [Abhijiiana-sakuntala-natakamu. Translated by Viresa-lingamu.] 1885. S°. 14174. h. 11.(1.) See Kalidasa. s&n=?s^-^5v^aj^^sc«. [Miila- vikagnimitramu. Translated by Viresa-liiigamu.] [1885.] 8°. 14174. h. 11.(2.) ■ See Pancha-tantra. Nitichendrica, Sandhi. [Ch. 4 of Niti-chandrika, forming part of the sequel by Viresa-liiigamu.] Copious notes, etc. 1901. 8°. 14174. g. 54.(1.) See SaBBA-RAYUptT, M., and ViRiisA-LiK- GAMD, K. Telugu Story Readers, dc. 1909-1910. 12°. 14174. m. 35. See TiMMAYA, Jv. (7. Eajasekliara vilasam u . [With preface by K. V.] 1896. 8°. 14174, k. 47,(3.) See Venkata- ratnamu, MaUddi, and ViRESA-LiiioAMU, K. The New Second Standard Reader, etc. 1909. 8°. 14174. m. 34.