Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/37

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49 CHINNA- -CHINNAYA 50 interspersed wiili prose, setting forth Vni.slinava, religious philosophy. Edited by V. Ilangachiir- yulu.] pp. 48. li<^& [Nellore,] 1901. 8°. 14174. b. 25.(6.) CHINNA KOTAYYA, rani.silri. Spb Puranas.— Daurvasa-dcul-upapurdna. 3^Tr>§?3'^l)^ II [Kaiiira- nayakula charitramu. Published with prefaces by Chinna Kotayya.J 1908. 8°. 14058. bb. 1. CHINNA SINGARACHARYULU. See Ai,aha-singak- ACHAKYULU. CHINNA STJBRAHMANYA SASTRI, Su.mrla. See NaRAYANA MantUI, p. ^^ . . . ?5'o7V<'xr°ciSb-&'ll [Ranga-raya-charitramu. Edited by Ch. S. S.] [1886.] 8°. 14174. k. 43. CHINNA-SVAMI MUDALIYAR, A. M. Oriental Music, in European notation. A monthly peri- odical . .. With words [chiefly Telugu] in English, Telugu and Tamil characters, nos. 1-6. Madras, 1892. Fol. 14053. g. 13. • nos. 1-10. Madras, 1895. Fol. 14053. g. 14. CHINNA VENKATA DASU, Fadige-rdm Murumuru. The Sangeetha Sarangadara natakam. A Telugu drama in five acts of the stoiy of Saranga [_i.e. Sarangadhara, the chaste sou of Raja Narendra, who withstood the advances of his stepmother Chitraugi]. {}So^Q-^^cKif^-!^ko^ ^. "3,to«b- v^a^.) pp. 117. '^■^^'^^o [Madras,'] 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 37.(8.) CHINNAYA StJRI, Tara-vastu. See Nala. ^«- Sd^siio. [Nala-charitramu. Edited by Ch. S.] [1864.] 16°. 14174. f. 7. See PaScha-tantra. Neeti chandrica . . . [Part i. An adaptation of the Mitra-labhamu and °bliedamu of the Paficha-tantra combined with the Hit5padesa,] by . . . Chinnayya Suri. 1909. 8°. 14174. gg. 29. See Pancha-tantea. P&^r^&J^ -a-oII [Niti- chandrika. Ch. i.] 1899. 8°. [The Tvlmju Text for the Matriculation Examination.] 14174. k. 65. Ste Pancha-tantra, ^^^"-^■9's:ol ^-oM [Niti- chandrika. Notes upon ch. i.] 1900. 8°. [Surya-narayana Sdstri, and others : Copiovs An- notations, etc.] 14174. k. 45.(5.) CHINNAYA SURI, I'ara-vaslu {continued). See Pancha-tantka. ^8^0(8, r -a»li [Niti-chandrika. Notes upon ch. i., with English translation.] 1900. 8°. [Veiikata-suhhd Sdstri ; Copious Avnntntinns, ei'--] 14174. k. 45.(4.) (S'ee Paijcha-tantea. S0(S^"^JJI [Nlti- chandrika. Ch. ii., partly interpreted.] 1888. 8°. [Veiikafa-suhbd Sdstri: Copious Annotations, etc.] 14174. k. 45.(1.) [For the continuations of the Niti-chan- drika composed by Kokkonda Venkata-ratnamu and Kandukuri Viresa-lirigamu :] See Pancha- TANTRA. See Strange (T. L.). 2j-o«j'^«;^^^ ^o. (^sj'^. [Hindu- dharraa-sastra-saiigrahamu. Translated into Telugu by Chinnaya.] [1858.] 8°. 14174. d. 1. See TiMMAYA, E.G. ^"^^ "3,toc«o ^---^r «6s58c3csi;ix> [Nila-sundari-parinayamu. Edited by Ch. S.] [18G2.] 8°. ' 14174. k. 13. tsjlS'Ao-C^sio. [Akshara-guchchhamu. A first reading-book in Telugu.] pp. 42. n^^Vi [3fadras, 1865.] 8°. 14174. n, 8. A Balavynkaranam by P. Chinnayasury. (Telugu Grammar. sJ'Ooj^g^'S'n^ By Para- vastu Chinniah Soori . . . Thirteenth edition — revised.) pp. iii. 130. Madras, 1900. 12°. 14174. m. 26. Forms part of the Irish Press Series. Balavyakarana guptliardha prakasika. An elaborate commentary on Balavyakaranam of the late Chinnaya Soori by Sunkara Rangayya [with Chinnaya's original sfitras], {^^os^^S' S ca Ab^^^- ^^^^^r.) Eajahmundri/, 1908, etc. 8°. 14174. n. 50. In progress. ^■sj^§5';S'ns5M. [Sabda-lakshana-sangrahambu. An outline of Telugu grammar, in 5 chapters of brief rules.] pp. 46, i. 84oKS-|f^t9 n^^Vi- [T',-,'- plicane, 1853.] 8°. 14174. n. 12. [Another cojjy, without title-page.] 14174. n. 13.