Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/80

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135 XARAYANA NARAYANA 136 NARAYANA BHATTA (Meiga-kaja-lakshsia) (con- tinued). Venisamfaara natakam. [A drama iu G acts on the epic legend of tlie insult offered to Drau- padi by Durjodliana.] Translated into Telugu from Bhattanaryana's Sanskrit pliy by Kaviraj S. Krisbnamoorti Sastry. ( a ofof-sj-eJ^^Pios'Scu.) pp. ii. ii. 96. liajahmundri/, 1907. 8°. 14174. h. 37.(3.) NARAYANA BHATTA, Ananta-jm°. i^ ■ ■ ■ s'sw) [Muhiirta-martanda. A Sanskrit astrological work on auspicious times, etc. With tbe com- mentary Mfirtancla-vallabha. Edited with Telugu interpretation and commentary by N. Guru-linga Sastri.] pp. vii. 450. "^"^^ 'i <">— on [Madras, 1901.] 8°. 14053. ccc. 38. NARAYANA BHATTA, Eamesvara-pu° . The A'ivahaprayoga or Marriage Ritual prescribed for Brahmans of Riksakha, [in Sanskrit,] with trans- lation [sc(7. a litei-al Telugu version and a free English paraphrase,] by P. Chentsal Rao. [Followed by exti-acts from Asvaliiy ana's Grihya- sutra, etc.'] {?^^-^^^^7(%.) pp. 8, 70, x. 247, ii. i. 16, 6, 5, 2, i. iii. Boiijalure, 1891. 8°. 14033. b. 58. NARAYANA - DASAR, Fuduvai. See Vemana. LQ«/7 . . . Q su LD oiTsar u ^ s! uj Lh i^, [Vemanua-pad- yam. AVith Tamil translation by Narayaiia-dasar.] 1903. 8°. 14175. a. 12. NARAYANA-DASU, .lU-hha//a. -^J^^^-o-csbrs- ^'sJs'jSm. [Surya-narayana-satakamu. lOlVaish- ijava devotional verses.] pp. 18. Madra.'i, lOO^i. 8'. 14174. k. 20.(4.) NARAYANA MANTRI, Aj/i/ahi-rdzu Surapa-pu°., of I loriujuntiihipuda. sh-o -roses' 3 Siig^s'^sS'^jio (Hamsaviinsaty). [5 dsvuxas of tales, chiefly iu verse, told by a bird to restrain its misti-ess from wantonness. Edited by Boddikurapfiti Venkata- rangamu.] pp. vii. 19o. Madras, 1909. 8°. 14174. gj. 38. NARAYANA MANTRI, r,7pa-r,7xn-tm°., of the lintuije of Dilta, Kaci. ^ . . . CoTf cr»otSDi5 6,«S.^ ei>,vsji^(«^o^<ti>o. [Ranga-raya-cliaritramu. A poetical account, iu 3 dsudsas, of Raja Raiiga Rau of Bobbin and his heroic defence in 1750 against the Maliaraja of Viziaungram and the French. Edited by Susarla Chinua Sulirahinanya Sastri.] pp. 54, 40. ^^^11 oo-^E- [Madras, 1886.] 8°. 14174, k. 43. NARAYANA-MtRTI, V. Sec Bankim-chandha Chattoi'adhyaya. Sree Senapati-kumari. Trans- lated & edited by Y. Narayanamurthy. 1897. 12°. 14174. f. 21. NARAYANAPPA, EUama-rdzu, of Kundurpi. See KuNUUEri. — Vijliana-vardhanl-samdjamu. ^ ^- ^-^^p. [Jnanopadesini, efo. Edited by N.] 1891. 8°. 14174. b. 26. NARAYANA RAU, Ddsu. See Tennyson (A.). '5^JiM5'-aoeJj5's&>. Kamukachintanamu. Trans- lation into Telugu of Tennyson's Locksley Hall. By Dasu Narayana Rau. [1891.] 8°. 14174. k. 49. Paduka pattabhisliekamu. [A drama in 4 acts on the legend of the Ramayana, Ayodhya- k°., cxii. f., telling how Bharata set up Rama's slippers to represent Rama on the throne in his exile.] By Dasu Narayana Row. (^2&"r° "^If" ?-ixrjS».) pp. 101. Bezu-ada, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 37.(4.) NARAYANA RAIT, Ddsu, and SRI-RAMULU, Ddsu. Sree Sangita rasatarangini alias Budha natakam [a drama in 7 acts on the life of Gautama Buddha, as told in Sir Edwin Arnold's " Light of Asia,"] by Dasu Narayana Rao . . . and Dasu Sreerama Pandit. (,tI,^o' eJ^^Q JS'oAe? csbitfi 2xi ^ ?r° 4o i' sio . ) pp. i. 97. Cocanada, 1907. 8°. 14170. h. 40.(3.) Reprinted from the Suvarna-lekha. NARAYANA RAU, Kallal-uri Ba)igdru-rdya-pm° . Chitrabhyudayamu. An original drama in six acts. (0,^^§e5cssbsx«.) pp. XX. ii. 12S. Ellur,', 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 52.(7.) NARAYANA RAU, N., of Town High School, Guntur. See RAGHAV.U'ii.un, N. V., and Nakayana R.iu, N. An Auglo-Telugu Phrase Dictionary. 1908. 12°. 14174. m. 31. NARAYANA RAZU, Mdumdli. £f^5'^$y«Jrsjo. [Loka-niltha-satakamu. 108 Vaishnava verses, witty, devotional, and philoso]ihical, written under the patronage of Andliavaramu Loka-natlia Patrudu.] pp. 22. S^^S^no [Vi:aga.patavi,] 1897. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(1.)