Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/84

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U3 PANCHA-TANTEA- -PAEAMARTHA 144 Viresa-lirigamu.] Copious notes to Sandhi with English translation. Y>p. 55, Madras, 1901. 8°. 14174. g. 54.(1.) Paucbatantra. Tlie Fourth Tantra, called ^'oiSj"'^^^ [in Telugu and English]. See Ven- KATA-KAMAYYA, S- N. The First Book of Telugu, etc. pp. 95-124. 1900. 8°. 14174. n. 42. PANDITARADHYA SVAMI, SrJ.-paf!. d, • • •*"^sJaM^^;So,«b p^?(jO$^ -Jojil [Maha-deva-mana- namu. A treatise in 24 chapters on the philo- sophy and theology of the Vira-saiva sect. Edited by the author's nephew, Mallikarjuua Sastri.] pp. 132. ■^ji'^SfoE^o no-^3 [Madras, 1893.] 8°. 14174. b. 39. PANDITA-RAYALU. See Jagan-natha Pandita- RAJA. PANTULU (M. B.). See Buchchayya, 71/. PAPA KAVI, Aftaluni. See Papay.matyudu. PAPA-RAZU, Kanlcanfi Appaydm(ltija-pu° . i^'^- ^iSr i^tS iS ns ^ii (j-^y!^ 6r3oo2&|X5o "jcn>0(S, ^Scr°,S I;. jfc^?y-c7°;&'ciSSr9D?o^Sb5£);J<-r'S§ozx> [Uttara-ramaya- iiambu. A version, in 8 asvdsas of inter- spersed with prose, of the Uttara-kanda of the epic Ramayana ; composed about A.D. 1790. Edited by N. Deva Perumallayya.] pp. 171. Ovr£_5 [Madras ? 1863.] 4°. 14174. 1. 9. 000 (^^^^f5'-c7°sSr»c8or3S5i3. (Uttara Rama- yanamu.) [Edited by Chedaluvada Suiidara-rama Sastri, with a preface by Nagapiidi Kuppu-svam- ayya.] pp. 24, 378. ^(^f [Madras,] 1903. 8°. 14175. b. 6. The English title is from the cover. PAPAYA-LINGAMU, Kdma-rlshi Vlra-ndgaya-pu°. [Life.] See ViiNKATA-suBBA Rau, FerFiri. ^siXC.e?- -^^cHiQcK t>»ii [Hhishag-vara-Papaya-linga- kavi-jlvitamu.] 1898. 8°. 14174. g. 63.(1.) PAPAYAMATYUpU, Atldldru. ° ° o xf^^?o?;S- ^-cr»c3,^j. [Channa-ljasava-pui-riiKumi. A poem of 5 asvdsas upon the legendary life of Channa- basava, a kinsman and follower of Basava, the founder of the Jangama sect. Edited by V. Sangamesvara Rau.] pp. ii. 162. 'B^^S4or3;S>3 n^j-T^i [Madras, 1884.] 8°. 14174. b. 19, PAPAYYA, Ogirdla. ooo ir'^-^to^^-iyo-T'oli (tils' r3§-s^o£) [Rama-natakamu. The Bala-kanda and Aranya-kanda, or plot of bks. i.-ii. of the Ramayana, dramatised in yahsha-gdna style.] 2 pts. pp. 76, 69. ^^^" [Madras,] 1895. 8°. 14174. h. 18. PAPAYYA SASTRI, Bulusu. See Haesha-deva. ^»l^cs^&'S's-J$■. [Priya-darsana. A translation by Papayya of the Priyadarsika.] 1902. 8°. 14174. h. 26.(10.) (Sfe Jagan-natha Pandita-raja. Bhaminee- vilasamu. Translated [metrically] . . ; by . . . Papayya Sastri. 1902. 8°. 14174. k. 27.(6.) Telugu Poetry for Children. (•'^^ ftaSb SSgsiwew.) pp. i. 17. Anal-apalle, 1906. 16°. 14174. i. 13.(4.) The English title is from the wrapper, PARADESI DEVARTJ, of EabaJca. rS^va-^^czsrc. ?o«c^ixi(L> . . . "^^oAv;s&5^TPJS»g'$'. [Desihgu-maha- razu-katha. A metrical history of Desihgu, a raja of the fortress of Gingi (Tindivanam Taluk, South Arcot District), who resisted to the death the Nawab of the Caruatic, Sa'adat Ullah (regn. A.D. 1710-22), and whose wife immolated herself.] pp.124. ^^^11 oo-.->l [MoJms, 1895.] 8°. 14174. g. 28. PARAMA-HAMSA, Psend. (^^SiJg. [Brahma- vidya. A treatise on natural science and Advaita philosophy and theology according to the Upani- shads.] pp. vii. 126. Madras, 1895. 12". 14174. b. 37. PARAMANANDA-TIRTHA, rarama-haiusa Pari- vrdjakdchdrya. See UTTARA-GJT.i. (^ • • • -£'s^- ^^^02X) [Uttara-gita. With Telugu interpre- tation by Paramananda-tirtha.] [1861.] 16°. 14065. a. 1. [186k] 16°. [1881.] 16°. 14065. a. 3. 14060. a. 9. PARAMARTHA. ^7i^^ir>f$!i^. [Paramartha- saratnu. 79 Sanskrit dryd verses on the monistic Vodanta philosophy of the Vaishnava school, attributed to the divine snake Seslia, and adapted from the Saiva work of the same name by Abhi- nava-gupta. With 'J'chigu translation by Patti-