Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/90

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155 roPE- -PEABHAKAEA 15G kirti-malia-razu-cliaritra. A romantic drama in yal;slM-gana style.] pp. 92. Madras, 1907. 8°. 14174. li. 39.(3.) POPE (George Uglow). See Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Matthew.] Our Blessed Lord's Sermon on the Mount ... in Telugu ... by . . . G. U. Pope. ISoO. 8°. 3068. cc. 11. POETEB, (Edwaed), o/i/ie London Missionary Society. -Zf&j^!f!S0{&^-pQ^ifs>0(&^ , . . Fables and Moral Tales in Telugu and English, designed for the benefit of those in this country who wish to study the English language. Second edition. pp. i. 135. American Mission Press : Madras, 1856. 8°. 14174. g. 1. POTANA MANTRI, Bammera Iv'sana.-pu°., (Pota Razu). See Pueanas. — Bhugavata-purcina. i^- ^&>^s^o^^2^}(iS&;Sx>. [Andhra-bhagavatamu. An adaptation of the Bhagavata-purana, in verse, by Potana Mantri.] [1865.] 4°. 14174. c. 2. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. (^ • • • Aj^T^o^^sS:>iy6^K^i^SM "Sojll [Andhra- bliaga- vatamu.] [1889.] 4°. 14174. 1. 15. See Pqeanas. — Bh(7gavata-pur(iya. i^ • • ■ ^5S^■i3-°c^^!i^'A'55■^'s&:> [Audhra-bhagavatamu.] 1894. 8°. 14174. bbb. 7. See PnEANAS. — Bhiignvata-purdna. oooj^. 5&)-3r°o^9,^X'tfeJ5i« "200 II [Andhra-bhagavatamu. Bk. vii.] [18G5.] 8°. 14174. b. 11. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdim. i^- si3-3r>^ej^«'S«Jsi)o. [Bala-bhagavatamu.] [1862.] 8°. 14174. k. 24. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. (A"go- (^"&r>5l.5i».) [Gajendra-mokshamu.] [n.(^.] 12°. 14174. g. 4.(3.) See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. i^^^- rr»§ns3M.) [Rukminl-kalyanamu.] [1860 ?] 16°. 14174. k. 1.(3.) See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. I'uk- miui kalyanam, etc. 1907. 4°. 14096. e. (vol. 36.) See Venkata-eamanujulu Nayudu, C, and others. Notes on the Telugu Text . . . [viz. Rukinini-kalyanamu,] etc. 1898. 8^ 14174. k. 62. POTANA MANTRI, Bammera Kesana-pu°. (con- tinued). See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. i^- 5&n3^0($^^A'Se5';i« -g>»il [Vamana-miirty-avirbhava- ghattamu.] 1899. 8°. [The Telugu Text for the Matriculation Examination.] 14174. k. 65. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. i^^- s^o^i^K'S^sia. [Vamana - murty - avirbhava- ghattamu, etc. Interpreted, with English trans- lation.] 1900. 8°. [Veiihata-suhhd Sdstri : Copious Annotations, etc.] 14174. k. 45.(4.) See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. ^X":?- &si>i -g>» II [Vamana-raurty-avirldiava-ghattamu. Interpreted, with notes.] 1900. 8°. [Surya- ndrdyana Sdstri, and others : Copious Annotatuins, etc.] 14174. k. 45.(5.) See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. Cj^^' •7y°o^^^^^7XSi^six> -a»ll [Andhra-bhagavatamu. Bks. xi.-xii. With prose paraphrase and com- mentary.] [1897.] 4°. 14174. c. 4. See Pueanas. — Bhdgavata-purdna. '^^^- Ts^o^^^pKSiS^xi iix, [Andhra-bhagavatamu. A prose paraphrase of Potana's version of the Bhagavata.] [1901.] 8°. 14174. b. 55. POTA EAZU, Bammera. See Potana Mantri. POTAYA, Sii)ganna-pu°., of Kaldmrani. '^^ci' ?^er'^sst> [Prasaiiga-ratnavali. Miscellaneous Sanskrit stanzas, with Telugu translations.] 1893-1897. 12°. See Peeiodical Publications.— Vizagapatam. ?3S'e)Si3'§?S$E-?). [Sakala-vidya- bhivardhani.] vol. i., pt. 8 — vol. ii., pt. 9, vol. iv., pts. 2, 3. 1892-1897. 12° & 8°. 14174. g. 38. Dated in a chronogram 1388 Saha. Incomplete, ending at p. 72. PRABHAKARA RAU, Adipudi BuclLchi-vc)il:aya-pu°. See Pakasaea. e5o,$^,^'^Qsi-a'«'j^_^jS. [Parasara- smriti. Rendered into verse by Prabhakara Rau.] 1900. 12°. 14174. d. 17. Umapathyabliyudayam. [Or Kamineni- varnsa-charitramu. A panegyric poem of 286 stanzas upon Raja Umfi-pati Rau of Domkonda, Haidarabad, and his ancestors of the Kfuninr'ni Reddi family. With English preface by K. R. Venkata-krishna Rau and Telugu preface by Tiru-