Page:A colonial autocracy, New South Wales under Governor Macquarie, 1810-1821.djvu/13

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unreformed, his children, even those of the first generation, were creditable to the British stock from which they were descended. Between 1810 to 1821 this first generation of Australians reached the age of men and women. They bore no sign of a convict taint, no heritage of vice or weakness, and this strange method of colonisation which gave to the country a fast-increasing population, brought with it no penalty of physical or moral degeneration.

One other aspect of New South Wales history may be indicated here—the relation of the Home Government and the Imperial Parliament towards this infant Colony. By a study of Parliamentary Papers and Debates, as well as periodical literature and newspapers, an attempt has been made to set forth the attitude of English politicians towards New South Wales, and the result of that attitude as embodied in the work of inquiry and legislation.

The author cannot let this opportunity pass of recording her grateful thanks to Mr. Graham Wallas and Mr. Sidney Webb. Mr. Graham Wallas supervised her work in his official capacity, but he took a very generous view of his duties, and the author can scarcely measure the extent to which she benefited by his advice, admonition and criticism. To Mr. Sidney Webb her debt is also great, for he read this thesis in manuscript and made invaluable suggestions. She owes much too to the School of Economics, for no seat of learning could with finer generosity have welcomed the stranger within the gates.


London, July, 1909.