Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/5

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It's a short step from aprons to underwear. Many of the things which you have learned about aprons you can start right in and apply in making nightgowns, chemises, camisoles and bloomers.

You will pick up needed practice, too, in working on undermuslins. You won't be afraid to test the pattern which you have made yourself in inexpensive muslin. You won't hesitate to turn the seam a new way, or apply a new hand touch or finish the edge differently, if the cost of the material is only the matter of a few cents. Underwear offers one of the best opportunities to become an efficient sewer.

Then, too, you will probably enjoy having a few new pieces of underwear. Every woman always has room for just one more dainty chemise or nightdress. If you are thinking
