Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/19

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down into its finished position, the skirt rolls over it smoothly.

Fig. (13) A six-gored skirt has a panel at the front

Try on skirt to turn hem. There will be a good deal of fullness in the top of the hem so run in a thread and draw it up to the size of the outside. If the material is woolen shrink out some of the fullness before finishing the hem by covering with a damp cloth and pressing with a hot iron. Bind the top of the hem before stitching.

Making a Pattern For a Gored Skirt: A gored skirt needs very little change from the block pattern.

If you are copying a style, such as is shown in Fig. 13, add the raised waistline to the gores before making the diagram. If you want the new skirt the

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