Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/22

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material on which you are working. If the back gore is placed on the selvedge edges, allowing for a seam, it will make a seven-gored skirt. For a six-gored skirt, lay the center-back edge on the fold of the goods. These cutting diagrams are given to impress on your mind the economy of making a layout.

Making a Gored Skirt: Make an inside belt of gros-grain belting. Cut it the size of the waistline plus enough for hems at the ends. Hem the ends and sew on the two lower hooks and eyes. (See Fig. 16.)

Fig. (16) Finish the inside belt before joining the skirt to it

If there is any doubt regarding the fit of the skirt, baste the seams with the raw edges extending on the right side of the goods. Pin the top of the skirt to the top of the gros-grain belt and try on. If it is large at any place pin out the surplus goods in the seams. Remove the skirt. If any of the seams have been taken up, trim them off until there is just the regulation three-eighths of an inch seam allowance left.

Rip the bastings and bind the edges of the

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