Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/40

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ter-front at the bottom. If it is made parallel to the center-front, when the skirt is finished, it will appear to slant toward the back at the top. This is because the skirt flares a little at the bottom.

Fig. (36) The lower edge of the lining sewn in place On the diagram, also mark the amount of lap as line EF, Fig. 39. Now you are ready to trace the two fronts. Put a piece of paper under the diagram and trace the right front over to line CD. Remove the paper and allow seams beyond the top and side seam, a hem at the bottom and a hem at the edge that laps over the left side. Then, cut out the piece.

In tracing the left side, trace over to line EF. Allow seams at the top and side seam and a hem at the bottom. The edge EF will not need extra allowance, as the easiest way

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