Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 6, Dresses) (IA completecoursein06cono).pdf/63

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and stitch the hems in the belt. Lay the lower edge of the lining over the belt, bringing it center-way of the belt and baste it in place.

Fig. (69) Finishing the top of the vest

Make French seams at the shoulder joining of the outside waist and run a thread around the neck by hand to prevent stretching. Stitch the facing to the lower edge of the sleeve.

French seam the sleeve to the armhole and then close the sleeve and underarm seam in one continuous stitching. Use French seams here, too. Line the collar, and baste it to the neck edge. Gather the top of the vest section and join to band as shown in Fig. 69. Finish left edge of vest with narrow extension. (See Fig. 70.) Then, baste vest to right side front and stitch a narrow bias of silk or lining fabric along the edge. Turn the bias onto the wrong side and fell it down by hand.

Mark the center-back and the center-front of the waist, then gather the lower edge.

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