Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/156

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tlien under the command of Stonewall Jackson. Later, when Jackson organized the First \'irginia Brigade, he requested that Dr. McGuire might be assigned him as brigade-surgeon. Thereafter he served as chief surgeon of Gen. Jackson's command until the death of his beloved commander with whom he was on most intimate terms. He was then at- tached as surgeon to the Second Army- Corps under the command of Gen. Ewell, and later became medical director of the Army of Northern Virginia under Lieut.- gen. Ewell. Still later on, he was made ia drector of the Army of the Valley of Virginia, under Gen. Jubal Early, and so continued until the surrender of Gen. Lee.

To him belongs the credit of organizing the Reserve Corps Hospital of the Con- federacy, and of perfecting the Ambu- lance Corps. After the close of the war he was elected to the chair of surgery in the Medical College of Virginia, which had been made vacant by the death of Dr. Charles Bell Gibson. He continued to fiU the chair until 1878, when, on account of some disagreements, he resigned. In 1880, however, he was made professor emeritus.

In 1893 he headed a movement to es- tablish in Richmond a medical school having a three years' graded course, there being no such college in that section of the South. The school was incorporated and established under the name of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, but its name was changed two or three years later to University College of Medicine. In connection with the school the Virginia Hospital was established, and Dr. Mc- Guire was made president of both insti- tutions. He was also cHnical professor of surgery. He was president of each of the local societies organized in Richmond during his residence there, and was one of the founders of the Medical Society of Virginia, serving for many years as chair- man of the Executive Committee, until elected president in 1880-81. He was president of the American Medical Asso- ciation in 1892, and president in 1875 of the Association of Medical Officers of the

Army and Navy of the Confederate States, president of the American Surgical Asso- ciation in 188G, of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association in 1889, and associate fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. In 1887 the University of North Carolina con- ferred upon him the title of LL. D., and the same honor came from Jefferson son Medical College.

lie married in 1866 Miss Mary Stuart, of Staunton, Virginia, and had nine chil- dren. Two of his sons became physicians. Dr. Stuart McGuire, of Richmond, who inherited his father's skill as a surgeon, and Dr. Hugh McGuire, of Alexandria, Virginia, a physician.

Some six months before his death he suffered a stroke of acute bulbar paraly- sis, and while, for a time, his general con- dition improved, he never regained the power of articulation. After many weeks of improvements and set-backs, he rapid- ly grew worse during the week preceding his death, which occurred suddenly on September 19, 1900, at his home near Richmond.

His contributions to medical literature consist chiefly of journal articles and papers and discussions in society meetings. He wrote the article on "Intestinal Ob- struction" in Pepper's "System of Medi- cine," and that on "Gun-shot Wounds" in Holmes' System of Surgery." Most of his articles appeared in the pages of the "Virginia Medical Monthly." The fol- lowing are some of the articles from his pen:

"The Last Wound of Gen. Jackson." ("Richmond Medical Journal," vol. i.)

" An Operation for Ligation of the Sub- clavian Artery." (" Virginia Clinical Record," vol. i.)

"An Operation for External Perineal Urethrotomy," Ibid., vol. ii.

" Drainage in Chronic Cystitis." ("Vir- ginia Medical Monthly," vol. i.)

"Three Cases of Gun-shot Wounds of the Pelvis Followed by Stone in the Blad- der," Ibid., vol. i.)

"Disease of the Sacro-iliac Joint," Ibid., iv.