Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/63

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of Greenland.

ſuch a Strait I could not find. Now as itBut the approaching Winter obliged him to return. grew too late in the Year, for me to proceed further, the Month of Sèptember being near at an End, when the Winter-Seaſon begins in thoſe Parts, accompanied by dreadfull Storms, I was obliged to return.

In the Year 1724. the Directors of the1724. A Shop was fitted out by the ſaid Company for the Diſcovery of the Eaſt Diſtrict; ſaid Begen Company, according to his Majeſty's Good Will and Pleaſure, fitted out a Ship to attempt a Landing on the Eaſtern Shore, as had been formerly practiſed on that Coaſt, which lies oppoſite to Iceland. But the ſurprizing Quantity of Ice, whichBut could not approach it for the Flakes of Ice. barricadoed the Coaſt, made that Enterprize prove abortive and quite to miſcarry, as many others had done. As there was no Appearance for Ships to approach this Shore, the ſame King in the Year 1728. reſolved,1728. King Frederick the IVth ſends Horſes to try to get thither over Land. beſides other very conſiderable Expences, to have Horſes tranſported to this Colony, in Hopes, that with their Help they might travel by Land to this Eaſtern Diſtrict: But nothing was more impoſſible than this Project, on Account of the impracticable, high