Page:A descriptive and historical account of the Godavery District in the presidency of Madras (IA descriptivehisto00morrrich).pdf/12

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to Sir Walter Elliot, formerly Commissioner of the Northern Circars, to whose researches in antiquarian lore Southern India is deeply indebted; to Mr. George Noble Taylor, whose efforts have done so much to encourage the growth of elementary education; and to Mr. R. E. Master, under whose careful supervision the new Settlement has recently been introduced. They have all kindly expressed their entire approval.

My special thanks are due to the Collector, Mr. W. S. Foster, to Mr. J. Hope, who for a time acted as Collector, and to their native subordinates for their assistance, more particularly in preparing the statistics, which must have entailed on them very considerable labour. The authorities in the Record, the Statistical, and the Geographical Departments of the India Office have most courteously afforded me every help in their power, for which I cordially thank them.