Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/194

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phous and granular lymph." The wound healed in a week, and the patient was soon discharged, well. 1859.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1024. External condyle of the humerus, and about one-third of the head of the radius, gouged off in a machine-shop.

From a man, aet. twenty-four years, who entered the hos- pital immediately after the accident (126, 146). Muscles extensively lacerated. The patient being quite healthy, Dr. H. preferred excision of the joint to amputation. Some inflammation followed, but the man was discharged well in seven and one-half weeks. 1866.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1025. Fracture of the inner condyle, from a fall ; the forearm having been at the same time dislocated backward and out- ward.

From a young girl, set. sixteen. The accident happened Dec. 6th ; sloughing ensued, and the limb was amputated Jan. 21st. Discharged, well, Feb. 15th. A hospital case (87, 100). The condyle is seen to have undergone consid- erable change ; as have also the other bones, more or less. 1860. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1026. One-third of the head of the radius broken off, with a comminuted fracture of the upper extremity of the ulna. The fragments of this last have been cemented together by Dr. H.

From a man who fell from the roof of a house, and died within about twenty-four hours ; the elbow-joint having meanwhile been excised. 1868. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1027. Gun-shot fracture of the radius, midway, and of the ulna near the upper extremity ; both comminuted. Union not

- strong ; the new bone being still tender. In the ulna there is embedded a piece of a gun-barrel, more than 2 in. long, and in. or more in width.

From a soldier, who was wounded at Gettysburg, July 3d, 1863 ; the ulna by a shrapnel charge, and the radius by some other missile ; little bits of lead being found be- tween the fragments of this last. Soft parts extensively lacer-

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