Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/239

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separately. On the 18th he began to have chills, and on the 26th he died with symptoms of pyemia ; thei'e having been, toward the last, great pain in the region of the liver (Series xxxn.), and a general abdominal tenderness. (See No. 2371.)

The bone, which is a very handsome specimen, was pre- pared by Mr. H. H. A. Beach, one of the house-pupils. 1868. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1200. Upper portion of the right femur, showing the effect of acute inflammation. From a middle-aged man (Hospital, 218, 89). Disease of thirteen weeks' duration. Began with " fever," and two weeks afterward severe pain in knees and feet, extending to right hip ; the thigh becoming very much swollen and the pain intensely severe.

On dissection, a bloody fluid was found in the hip-joint, and the cartilage mostly gone, though in some parts it was quite healthy, and lay like a loose flap upon the subjacent bone. Head of femur to some extent destroyed. Both knee-joints were similarly affected ; the bone being of a deep-red color just below the surface, the deeper parts in- filtrated with a yellowish serum. A large collection of pus was also found between the muscles and periosteum above each knee. The upper third of the head of the femur seems to have been destroyed by caries, with some exten- sion of disease to the neck. Cancelli exposed, and with- out a trace of new deposit. 1859. Dr. 0. Ellis.

Inflammation of femur, the result of fracture ; see Nos. 1066-70.

1201. Femur of an infant nine months old, and showing the effects of inflammation. At the age of two months it fell from the arms of its attendant. At the end of a week the thigh was swollen midway, and in a month from the time of the accident an abscess was opened and discharged freely. Three or four openings were afterward made, and one remained till death. Emaciation moderate. Death at last sudden.

On section, the original outline of the bone is seen, and the cavity is more or less filled with cancellated structure. A large deposit of new bone has formed externally; generally

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