Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/308

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1482. Sequestrum from the lower jaw, 2 in. long, and nearly an inch in width. Disease of several years' duration.—From a man who had tertiary syphilis, and died of the disease within a year after the removal of the sequestrum. 1856. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1483. A portion of the lower jaw, removed from the articulation to some way beyond the angle. In the ramus is a rounded cyst, nearly or quite half as large as the fist; thin, stiff, as if mostly membranous, and generally smooth and polished upon the inner surface, though in some parts rough as from a deposit of fibrin or some new formation. The coronoid process is lost in the disease, which is confined to the ramus; the bone being healthy where sawed across. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1484. A cyst, about ½ in. in diameter, with very thick, and very dense fibro-cellular parietes; the cavity containing, in the recent state, a synovial-like fluid. Situated over the second phalanx of the middle finger, but not over the joint.

From a middle-aged woman. The tumor, which was of several years' duration, was painless, immovable, had an elastic hardness, and was regarded by Dr. B., before the removal, as enchondromatous, but afterward as a bursa, or something very much like it. 1860.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1485. Myeloid disease of the head of the tibia; and a section having been made through the tumor, and into the bone below, the soft parts have been removed, and the investing bone dried.

From a man, twenty-six years of age. (Hospital, 87, 160.) Eighteen months previously he fell, and a tumor soon appeared over the inner part of the head of the bone; pain never severe nor sharp. An opening had been made not long before, as for an abscess; and at this part a circular fungus had formed, about 2 in. in diameter. The whole upper part of the leg, as far as the knee, was the seat of a very large, and strongly fluctuating tumor. Motions of the joint not impaired. The thigh was amputated; and the man did well for a time; he then got worse, started