Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/413

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1913. Punctured wound above the elbow; tissues inflamed.

1914. The same, upon the dorsum of the foot; phlegmonous abscess.

1915. The same, upon the front of the leg; with gangrene.

1916. Gunshot wound in the forehead; parts contused and torn.

1917. The same, of the knee. Parts extensively injured, with surrounding inflammation.

1918. The same, of the leg; with extensive inflammation and gangrene.

1919. Contusion of the forearm; ecchymosed, but the skin is not broken.

1920. The same, of the forehead, from a fall.

1921. The same, of the calf of the leg, with extensive gangrene.

1922. The same, of the foot, with gangrene.

1923. Contusion of the leg.

1924. The same, over the side, with much surrounding inflammation.

1925. Foot crushed. Surface of wounds bathed with pus; ulceration burrowing.

1926. Suppurating wound of the scalp; surface covered with healthy granulations.

1927. The same, over the tibia; cicatrization arrested by inflammation of the subjacent parts.

1928. The same, over outside of knee; suppuration suppressed by some internal derangement.

1929. The same, of the forearm; completely indolent, with an abundant serous exudation; parts swollen, white, and cedematous.

1930. Ulcer; inflammatory.

1931. The same, over the outer ankle; chronic, and apparently indolent, but not particularly foul.

1932. The same; gangrenous, as seen in old persons.

1933. The same, in an old person, over the outer ankle; with retraction of the little toe.