Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/522

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The organ weighed 5 Ibs. 10 oz., and contained great num- bers of recent abscesses, from the size of a pea to that of a peach-stone, and giving it, in some parts, quite a honey- comb appearance. The spleen weighed 2 Ibs. 3 oz., and in it were large gangrenous abscesses. There were also acute peritonitis and sloughing of the stump. 1868.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2372. The greater part of the liver, showing a cavity that held, by estimate, four pints of thick pus ; the interior being

being thinly coated with opaque lymph.

From a man, set. forty-eight, who came from England in Sept., 1867 ; went directly to Chicago, and eight days afterward was taken sick. His symptoms were diarrhoea, and constant pain in the epigastrium, with chilliness and general pains at first, and a considerable loss of flesh and strength. Entered the hospital Dec. 5th (276, 52), having recently arrived from the West, and kept his bed, most of the time until his death, which occurred on the 26th of January. There were tenderness, very severe pain, and extensive dulness on percussion in the region of the liver ; and fulness in the right half of the epigastric region ; but there was no fever nor yellowness of the surface.

Anteriorly the abscess had approached very near to the surface of the liver ; and, superiorly, the diaphragm formed the parietes to the extent of two or three inches, and bulged into the pericardial sac. This last was coated with fibrine, and contained about two pints of fluid ; and in the right pleural cavity was a pint of serum. Otherwise, the liver was healthy, except a commencing abscess about one and one-half inches in diameter, and not far from the large one. (Med. Jour., May 14th, 1868.) 1868.

Dr. C. Ellis.

2373. A simple cyst, about the size of a large nutmeg, just below the surface of the liver, and lined, in the recent state, by a thin, bluish membrane.

From a man, set. forty-five, who died after a fracture. (Hospital, 99, 120.) 1863. Dr. C. Ellis.

2374. A defined, rounded cyst, of the same size as the last, lined by a well-marked opaque membrane, and filled, when

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