Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/542

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2460. A similar specimen, and similarly prepared by Dr. H. The upper portion of the ureter is greatly dilated. 1859.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

2461. A third specimen; entire, and preserved in spirit, so

that it can be inflated through the ureter. 1861.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

2462. A fourth specimen. The right kidney is immensely en-

larged, and very thin ; and though the mucous surface had formed a great quantity of pus, it is in every respect almost perfectly healthy in appearance.

The patient was a milkman, set. thirty-three years, and had considered himself as well until ten weeks before his death, when he gave up his work. On the fourth day Dr. H. was called, and found him with typhoidal symptoms, pain in the right hypochondrium, and a hard tumor that in. beyond the median line, so that he was as large as a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy. The tumor was not tender, and the patient knew nothing of its exist- ence. In two weeks there appeared to be pneumonia upon the right side, but during the fifth week he seemed fairly convalescent. Severe rigors then came on, with loss of strength ; the tumor began to soften ; and this went on until the beginning of the seventh week, when fluctuation was fairly established. It was then punctured, and two quarts of pus were drawn of; one pint being discharged daily for about two weeks, when it materially lessened. With this discharge there was neither pain nor soreness. In a few days he began to expectorate from ij. to iv. of pus daily ; and, in three weeks after the opening of the tumor, he died.

An opening through the diaphragm allowed the pus to pass from the kidney into the right pleural cavity ; the quantity of fluid in the chest and abdomen amounting altogether to six quarts. There was also extensive and recent peritonitis. The right lung was compressed, but the other organs were healthy. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXII. p. 124.) Dr. Jacob Hayes, of Charlestown.

2463. Infundibula of the kidney dilated into cavities about 2 in.

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