Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/648

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From an Irishwoman, about thirty-five years of age, and who had had six children previously. Attended by a mid- wife ; and had been in labor ten or twelve hours when Dr. S. saw her. The foetus, which had escaped into the abdom- inal cavity, was turned, and delivered by the feet without much difficulty ; there being a cessation of pains, and some collapse. Peritonitis came on in one or two days ; and the patient died on the eighth day. On examination, a thin layer of lymph was found ; but no other effusion, and no blood. The uterus had contracted, so as to close the opening. 1857. Dr. D. H. Storer.

2920. Contraction of the vagina, with obliteration of the uterus.

The patient had a difficult labor in the winter of 1845-6, followed by inflammation of the vagina, and, as the patient thought, by a total closure of the canal ; there being com- plete amenorrhoea, but without swelling of the abdomen. In Oct., 1850, she died of phthisis.

The contraction was an inch within the vulva, and dur- ing life would only have admitted a large goose-quill ; but, when the specimen was received by Dr. B., it readily ad- mitted, before being cut open, the handle of a scalpel. Cicatrization commences just behind the orifice of the urethra, and the surface is indurated and somewhat irregu- lar. The whole circumference is affected, but the extent is quite limited ; and the vagina, above, is sufficiently large, and quite healthy. The uterus is small, and the cavity completely obliterated, except perhaps to a small extent in the cervix. 1850. Dr. H. I. Bowditch.


2*921. Foetus, with the membranes, from a case of interstitial pregnancy. (No. 2912.) The entire length of the foetus is 1 in. 1855. Dr. 0. H. Stedman.

2922. A foetus, from a case of extra-uterine gestation.

The patient, set. twenty-four years, was first seen by Dr. Willis, of Waltham, on the 4th of Jan., with intense pain in the abdomen ; the uterus being slightly depressed, and very tender. She kept in bed mostly for four or five

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