Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/651

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simple aggregation of minute granules, such as constitute the primary cell membranes, but neither fibrilloe, fibres nor vessels ; the structure being quite different from that of cysts in general. The liquid contents were hyaline ; and, in the larger ones, the granules were suspended for precip- itation upon the internal surface ; the action of acids showed the presence of albumen." 1850.

Dr. Chas. G. Putnam.

2927. A blighted ovum, about 2 in. in diameter, with a large portion of the decidua vera, but not a trace of an embryo. 1861. Dr. Anson Hooker, of E. Cambridge.

2928. A second specimen. The foetus is about as large as at the sixth week ; the membranes forming a thick, fleshy, opaque mass, knobbed upon the inner surface, and about 3J in. in diameter. Menstruation ceased on the 15th of June, and was followed by symptoms of pregnancy. About the 1st of August, the patient lost a child very suddenly ; and from that time the morning sickness ceased, the breasts became flaccid, and after one or two hemorrhages, pains came on, and the ovum was expelled on the 21st of Octo- ber. 1849. Dr. M. S. Perry.

2929. A third specimen. The ovum, which was retained for thirteen months, is of an oval form, about 4 in. in length, and consisted of a whitish, opaque, ill-defined tissue, with traces of chorion, the remains of effused blood, and numerous little cysts. There were also numerous little cavities, from 1 to 4 lines in diameter, and that had a serous-looking surface within, though they were unlike the other cysts ; and in some of them were small, granular, cre- taceous bodies.

From a woman, set. forty-two years, who had had pro- lapsus uteri for three years. In Dec., 1850, menstruation ceased, and- in February there were symptoms of pregnan- cy. In May the swelling of the breasts subsided. Some fulness in hypogastrium ; but there was no increase after the fourth month, and about the sixth it subsided. During the first six months there were more or less bearing down pains ; in June, September, October, and November, slight, dark, and quite thick discharges from the uterus, which

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