Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/663

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The patient, an Irishman, set. twenty-three years, had had occasional and sometimes severe pain in the testicles for about five years, with occasional dysuria. About a year after the pain began, the tumor was felt in the lower part of the scrotum, and the man was pretty sure that it had not descended from above. (See Med. Jour. Vol. LXV. p. 222.) 1861.

Mr. S. G. Minassian, med. student.

Large and congenital development of fat in the fore-arm. (See No. 924.)

2980. Cast of an abdominal tumor, that weighed 80 Ibs. Its general form is that of a flattened mass, about 22 in. in its two largest diameters, and 6 to 8 in. in thickness. It was composed of many lobes, some of which were quite firm, and others so soft that they fluctuated. Two irregular masses of bone were also found, of which one was larger than an English walnut, and the other about as large as the 'top of the finger; situated in a dense fibrous tissue, and containing laminae and true bone corpuscles. Por- tions of the surface were quite vascular ; but the prevail- ing color was white or yellowish-white. In structure, some of the lobes had a fibroid appearance, though a large por- tion of the tumor showed an intermixture of adipose sub- stance. The fat in some parts was of a whitish color, but contained, like the yellow portions, the usual adipose cells. The soft, fluctuating lobes were composed of a delicate, moist, fibrous tissue. In the centre of one of the largest lobes was an irregular cavity, surrounded by brownish tis- sue, and evidently softening.

The patient, who had been under the care of Dr. Geo. C. Lincoln, of S. Maiden, was a sailor, twenty-five years of age, and rather slightly built, though healthy until Nov., 1859, when he first noticed an enlargement of the abdomen. He did not give up his work, however, until he arrived home toward the last of December. For the next two months he kept about, but was considerably troubled by his increased bulk. In March he entered the hospital (230, 8), and was there for a short time; the abdomen being enormously swollen, tense, and inelastic, like stiff leather, imperfectly fluctuating, and very slightly tender at

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