Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/763

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the disease the bone looks quite healthy ; and there is no- where any new deposit. 1869. Dr. G. H. Gay.

3666. A hollow shell of bone, about the size of an English walnut, and that enclosed a tumor, that was removed from the upper jaw. The parietes are very thin, deficient to a considerable extent, and for the most part coarsely cribri- form. Structure compact.

The patient was a perfectly healthy man, forty-five years of age, and entered the hospital March 25th, 1857 (75, 74). Tumor upon the outside of the gum, and above the first upper bicuspid tooth ; well defined, smooth, rounded, hard and painless. It had existed for two and a half years, " felt like gristle," and enlarged very slowly. About six weeks before entrance, on exposure to a cold wind, he felt a sharp pain in it, and four teeth were removed, but with- out relief. On the day of his admission the tumor was removed ; in two weeks he left the hospital, and he now (1870) reports that he has never had any return of the disease. The tumor was regarded as fibro-plastic. 1869.

Dr. G. H. Gay.

3667. The lower 6 in. of the femur, that looks as if it had been surrounded by some malignant growth, to the extent of about 5 in. The surface is rough, and superficially absorbed ; and to some extent posteriorly there is the short, bristly growth, perpendicular to the surface, that is so often seen in malignant disease. Above and below the seat of disease there is a periosteal deposit, that is raised from the surface, as if it had been continued over some morbid growth ; and to a considerable extent the bony fibres are arranged with great regularity perpendicular to the surface of the bone, as those are that arise from the bone itself. 1869. Dr. G. U. Gay.

3668. Cast of an amputation at the right ankle-joint, performed by the method of M. Soupart (A. Guerin. Elements de Chirurgie Operatoire, fig. 105 ; 3d ed. Paris, 1864).

The patient was forty years old ; and the operation was performed for an incurable ulcer of the foot, of eleven years' duration. Cast taken eight weeks after the opera-

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