Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/81

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608. Large model of the larynx, by Auzoux, of Paris ; showing the cavity, with the muscles and nerves. 1847.

Dr. 0. W. Holmes.

609-10. Large wooden model of the cartilages of the larynx and trachea ; and of the epiglottis. 1846.

Dr. 0. W. Holmes.

611. Larynx and O3sophagus ; section and dried. 1847.

Dr. J. G. Warren.

612. The same, with trachea ; dried. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

613. Larynx, trachea, and bronchi ; dry. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

614. Trachea and bronchi ; in spirit. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

615. Casts, in plaster, of the interior of the larynx, ventricles, etc. 1851. Dr. E. Leigh.

616. Absence of the left horn of the thyroid cartilage, and without any appearance of injury or disease, though there was, when recent, a considerable lateral distortion ; dried. From an old man. 1862.

Mr. Eugene P. Bobbins, med. student.

617. A second specimen ; right horn wanting ; in spirit. 1869.

618. A portion of the trachea and bronchi, showing the origin of a large additional bronchus from the primary bronchus upon the right side. 1867. Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

619. Ossification of the cartilages of the larynx, in connection with the hyoid bone. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

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