Bruinement: m. A blasting, or burning with hot mists; also, a glazing ouer.
Bruiner. To blast, or burne with hot mists; also, to glaze, or set a hoarie glosse on.
Bruineux: m. euse: f. Full of hot blasting mists.
Bruire. To rumble; rustle; bluster; clatter, crash; to sound very lowd, & very harshly; to make a lowd humming noise; also, as Brugier. Comme l'on bruit. As the bruit is, as the world reports, as the talke goes.
Bruit: m. A bruit; a great sound, or noise; a rumbling, clamor, cracking, creaking; also, a rumour, common tale, publike voice, fame, reputation, report, the talke of people, the speech abroad. L'un a le bruit, l'autre lave la laine: Prov. Th'one hath the credit, the other the trouble; or, th'one gets the credit, th'other takes the paines. Qui a bruit de se lever matin peut dormir iusques au soir: Prov. He that is thought to rise betime, may lye abed till noone.
Brule-langue. See Brusle-langue.* Brulure: f. Blight, Brant-corne; (an hearbe.)
Brumal: m. ale: f. Winterie; Winter-like; Northerne; done on, or like to, the shortest Winter-*day.
Bruman: m. A sonne in law; the husband of a daughter.
Brumbay. Browne bay, or darke bay.
Brume. The shortest day in the yeare; also, the middest of Winter; also, Winter.
Brumestre. The name of a kind of vine.
Brun: m. brune: f. Browne, duskie, swart; obscure, or darke of colour.
Brunchement: m. A tripping, or stumbling.
Bruncher. To trip, or stumble.
Brune: f. A browne wench, a louely nut-browne woman; also, the euening twylight, or edge of the euening; cock-*shoot time.
Bruneau. Clos bruneau. The bumme, arse, nocke-*androe.
Brunet: m. ette: f. Brownish, somewhat browne. Fille brunette est de nature gaye, & nette: Prov. A nut-browne girle is neat, and blith, by nature.
Brunette: f. A nut-browne girle; also, a kind of small bird, like an Owsell; also, fine blacke cloth; whence; Aussi bien sont amourettes soubs bureau que sous brunettes: Prov. Loue playes his pranks as well in Cotes as Courts.
Brun-fauve: com. Deere-coloured; or of a darke lyon-tawnie.
Bruni. le b. d'vn Cerf. The burnishing of a Stags head.
Bruni: m. ie: f. Burnished, furbished, pollished; also, obscured, bedusked, made browne.
Brunie: f. as Brugne. (v.m.) Brunir. To burnish, furbish, or polish; also, to beduske, obscure, make browne.
Brunisseure: f. A burnishing, or burnishment; a furbished neatnesse, or polished brightnesse.
Brunissoir: m. A burnishing brush, or sticke; or, a burnisher, polisher, furbisher.
Brunissure: f. A burnishing, furbishing, polishing.
Brusc: m. Butchers-broome, Pettigree, Knee-holme, Knee-huluer; (a shrub.)
Brusc: m. usque: f. Looke Brusque.
Bruslable: com. Burnable; fit, or easie to bee burned.
Bruslant: m. ante: f. Burning, firing, inflaming.
Bruslé: m. ée: f. Burnt, fired, inflamed; singed, scaulded, scorched.
Brusle-fer. Iron-burning (an ordinarie nickename for Smithes.)
Brusle-grain. Corne-burning, graine-firing.
Brusle-langue. Tongue-scorching, tongue-inflaming.
Bruslement: m. A burning, firing, inflaming; scorching, singing, scaulding; a being on fire; a consuming with fire.
Brusler. To burne, fire, inflame; singe, scauld, scorch; to be on fire; to consume with fire. Brusler la chandelle par les deux bouts. Disorderedly to wast, and consume his substance; to spend hee cares not how, nor what; also, (contrarily, but lesse properly) to wire-draw it, play the micher, make a thing goe too too farre. Il bruslent leur bottes s'ils pensent ainsi. They are in a foule errour, forget themselues too much; or, they runne into a great inconuenience, by thinking so. Se brusler à la chandelle; &; Il se vient brusler à la chandelle; Looke Chandelle. De trop prez se chauffe qui se brusle: Prov. Hee warmes himselfe too neere that burnes himselfe. Tel se cuide chauffer qui se brusle: Prov. Some thinking but to warme, doe burne, themselues.
Brusleur: m. A burner, fyrer, inflamer, scorcher, scalder. Habillé comme vn brusleur de Maisons. Dressed like a tattered, and desperat, rogue.
Bruslure: f. A burning; or burnt place; also, as Brulure. Brusque: com. Briske, liuely, quicke; also, rash, haire-*braind, headie; also, wild, fierce, rude, barbarous, vnciuile, harsh. Mesure brusque. A swift measure, or fast time in Musicke. Vin brusque. Wine of a quicke, sharpe, or smart tast.
Brusquement. Quickly, liuely; rashly, headily; fiercely, wildly; rudely, harshly.
Brusquet: m. ette: f. Somewhat briske, &c. Vin brusquet. Very small, and sharpe wine.
Brut. argent brut. Foule, ragged, and rough siluer, as it comes out of the mine. Caverne brute. A rude, craggie, shapelesse, denne. Diamond brut. A Diamond that neuer was cut, or is newly taken out of the rocke; a rough Diamond.
Brutal: m. ale: f. Beastly; wild, rude, sauage, brutish; filthie.
Brutalement. Brutishly, beastly, wildly, rudely, sauagely; filthily, foulely.
Brutalité: f. Brutishnesse, beastlinesse, rudenesse, luskishnesse; filthinesse.
Brute-bonne. A certaine great, and soone-ripe peare, of an ill-fauoured shape, but of an excellent tast.
Brutesse. as Brutalité. Bruthier: m. A Buzzard, or Bauld-kite. Iamais tu ne feras d'vn bruthier vn esperuier: Prov. A bald, and beastly kite will neuer proue good hawke.
Brutif. as Brutal; Also, rash, rech[k?**]lesse, heedelesse.