*on, armie, and armes, and vnder the same colours, with another. Compagnon de mestier. A Journeyman; an artificer that hath not set vp for himselfe. Petit compagnon. An vpstart, meane companion; scoundrell, base fellow; a scuruie, saucie, or proud Groome. Demandez le à mon compagnon qui est aussi menteur que moy. We say, aske my fellow whether I be a theefe or no. Compagnon bien parlant vaut en chemin chariot branslant: Prov. (Neere to the Latine, Comes facundus in via pro vehiculo est.) Qui a compagnon a maistre: Prov. Hee that is tied vnto companie is tired with controlements; (And therefore the way to be absolute is, to be alone.)
Compagnonné: m. ée: f. Accompanied, associated, consorted, fallen in companie, ioyned in fellowship, with.
Compagnonner. To accompanie, associate, consort, be familiar, ioyne in fellowship, walke together, goe cheeke by iowle, with.
Compaignie: Compaignon: &c; as Compagnie, Compagnon; &c. Compaing. as Compagnon: ¶Pic. Companage: m. Meat, acates, victualls; all kind of food except bread, and drinke.
Comparagé: m. ée: f. Compared, or paragoned with.
Comparager. To Paragon, or compare, with.
Comparaison: f. A comparison; a matching, or paragoning; a likening, or conferring of things together.
Comparé: m. ée: f. Compared, paragoned, proportioned with; equalled, matched, conferred together; also, bought, or paied for, deerely.
Comparence: f. An apparance, an appearing.
Comparent: m. An appearer.
Comparer: m. Le comparer du corps. The price of a mans life; or, the buying of a thing with the losse therof.
Comparer. To compare, liken, confer together; to equall, paragon, proportion one with, or by, another; Also, to buy, or pay deerely for; and hence; Ie le te feray bien comparer. I wil make thee smart, or pay soundly for it; I will cause thee to rue, bewaile, repent it.
Comparition: f. A comparition; an apparance, appearing, or representing of himselfe to open view.
Comparoir. To appeare; to present, or shew himselfe; also, to assist, or be present at. Comparoir vne faute. To be punished, or pay deerly, for a fault.
Comparoistre. as Comparoir. Comparsonnier: m. A fellow Officer, or fellow laborer.
Comparti: m. ie: f. Diuided, parted, put into equall parts.
Compartiment: m. A compartement; a square (table, or peece) in building (especially of stone) also, a bed, or border in a garden; also, a partition, or equall, and proportionable diuision.
Compartir. To diuide, part, or put, into equall peeces.
Compartissant: m. A copartner, or fellow-partner.
Compartissant. Diuiding, or parting with.
Comparuit. An act, order, or testimoniall, signifying the apparance of a partie.
Comparution: f. An apparance; or as Comparition.
Compas: m. A compasse; a circle, a round; also, a paire of compasses.
Compassé. Compassed, begirt, incircled; also, measured,
by compasses.
Compassement: m. A compassing, incircling, turning round; also, a measuring by compasses.
Compasser. To compasse, incircle, begird; also, to turne round; also, to make a circle, or compasse; also, to measure, or square out by compasse, or compasses.
Compassion: f. Compassion, pitie, mercie.
Compassionnaire: com. Compassionarie, compassionate, hauing compassion of.
Compassionner. To take compassion, to haue pitie of.
Compatibilité: f. Compatibilitie; a concurrencie, accord, agreement together; a mutuall induring of, or bearing with, one another.
Compatible: com. Compatible, concurrable; which can abide, or agree together; or indure, or beare with, one another.
Compatir. To suffer, indure, abide, or beare with, one another; to agree, concurre, accord, together.
Compatriote: m. Ones countrey-man.
Compensable: com. Able to recompence, or make amends for.
Compensation: f. Satisfaction, recōpence, equal amends
Compense: f. as Compensation. Compensé: m. ée: f. Recompensed, or satisfied (with a like measure, proportion, store, &c.)
Compenser. To satisfie, recompence, make amends vnto, with the like.
Comperage: m. A gossipship; a gossiping of, or between, men; th' affinitie, or friendship gotten by their christening of children.
Compere: m. A gossip. Compere d'oribus. A superficiall friend, or cōpanion. Compere prestez moy vostre sac. Words vsed in a certaine Yew-game. Tout y va par compere, & commere. All things there do go by friendship. Compere de la Pouille couste & despouille: Pro. Seeke Pouille. Entre deux comperes se perdit le fossoir: Pro. Our neerest friends oft make vs the worst accounts; so may a cosen safely be tearmed a cousener. Qui de mastin fait son compere plus de baston ne doit porter: Prov. He thats in league with a churle hath no need of a cudgell.
Compermutant: m. A changer, scoorser, barterer, interchanger.
Compermutant: m. ante: f. Changing, scoorsing, bartering, interchanging.
Compermutation: f. A change, exchange, interchange.
Compermuté: m. ée: f. Changed, exchanged, interchanged.
Comperre. as Comparer; To buy, or pay deerely for.
Competemment. Competently, conueniently, sufficiently, meetly well; a prettie deale, or time; also, aptly, fitly, agreeably.
Competence: f. Competencie; conueniencie, sufficiencie; aptnesse, fitnesse, agreeablenesse; also, a concurrencie, or competitorship; and hence; Venir en competence avec vn autre. To striue or contend for, to make equall claime to, a thing, with another; to challenge, couet, or sue for, a thing as well as another; also, to paragon, or compare himself, or, to be laid in equall ballance with, another; to make, or hold, himselfe euery way as good as another.
Competent. Competent, sufficient, able, full, conuenient.
Competer. To be sufficient for, sutable with, agreeable vnto; also, to belong, or appertaine to; also, to demaund, or sue for the same thing that another doth.