Corpulent: m. ente: f. Corpulent, grosse, big-bodied, quarrie, fat. Vaisseau corpulent. The bodie, or the lower part of a Limbecke; that which containes the stuffe which is to be distilled.
Corratage: m. Brokage; also, horse-scoorsing; also, cousenage; or, as Courretage. Corraterie: f. A broking; also, horse-scoursing; also, cousening. Corratier: m. A Broker; also, a horse-scoorser.
Corraye: f. as Courroye; A thong, or belt of leather.
Correct: m. correcte: f. Correct, congruous, perfect; good, pure, neat.
Correctement. Correctly, purely, neatly, with congruitie, without fault.
Correcteur: m. A reformer, correcter, controller, amender, fault-finder. Correcteur des comptes. An Officer that examines and controlls, or passes, th' accounts of the Receiuors, vnder-Treasurers, & others the like accountants of the Exchequer; (there are foure of them belonging to the Chamber of Accounts.)
Correction: f. A correction, reformation, controlement.
Corregiole: f. as Corrigiole. Correlaire: m. An addition, aduantage, surplusage, ouerplus of measure; or, as Corolaire. Correlatif: m. iue: f. Correlatiue.
Corrente. A strait of the sea, as that of Gibraltar, of Magellan, &c; where commonly it runnes violently.
Correspondance: f. A correspondencie; a mutuall agreement, or answer; a resemblance, or equalitie of humors, affections, qualities, quantitie.
Correspondant: m. A suretie.
Correspondant: m. ante: f. Correspondent; answerable, or according vnto; equall, or agreeable with, in all points.
Correspondre. To correspond, hold correspondencie with; be correspondent vnto; to accord, consent, agree all together; to run one, and the same course together; or, to resemble, answer, equall; to be like, answerable, or equall, in all points.
Corret: m. An agnaile, or little corne, vpon a toe.
Corriasse. as Coriace. Corridor. A curtaine, in fortification.
Corrigé: m. ée: f. Corrected, amended, reformed; improued; redressed, straightened.
Corriger. To correct, amend, reforme, redresse, better; straighten.
Corrigiole: f. Male Knot-grasse, Swines-grasse, Birds-tongue.
Corrion: m. A latchet, strap; little thong, or belt of leather.
Corroboré: m. ée: f. Corroborated, strengthened, fortified, confirmed.
Corroborer. To corroborate, strengthen, fortifie, confirme.
Corrodé: m. ée: f. Gnawen, worne, or fretted, away, about the sides.
Corroder. To gnaw, bite; weare, or fret away, about the sides, or edges.
Corrompable: com. Corrumpable, corruptible, peruertable, deprauable.
Corromperesse: f. A corruptresse, a woman that mars others.
Corrompeur: m. A corrupter; deprauer, defiler, misleader, peruerter.
Corrompeur de filles. A deflowrer of maids, a filthie leacher.
Corompeuse: f. She that mars, or misleads, others.
Corrompre. To corrupt, rot, putrifie taint; marre, spill, spoyle; depraue, infect, viciate; inuert, peruert, mislead; also, to bribe; suborne, or win, by gifts.
Corrompu: m. A dißolute youth, vnthriftie packe, riotous yonker, loose mate, notable wag, terrible wencher.
Corrompu: m. uë: f. Corrupted, tainted, putrified; marred, spoyled; infected, viciated; mislled, peruerted; also, bribed; woon, seduced, or suborned, by bribes. Corrompu comme la fesse d'un Postillon. Looke Postillon. Corrompure: f. A corrupting, or corruption; also, wast, losse, or spoyle by corruption.
Corrosé: m. ée: f. Corroded; fretted, bitten, gnawen, worne or wasted about, or on th' edges, or sides.
Corrosif: m. iue: f. Corrosiue; biting, gnawing, or fretting away (on th' edges, or sides.)
Corrosion: f. A corrosion; a fretting, gnawing, or biting away (on th' edges, or sides.)
Corrosivité: f. as Corrosion; or corrosiuenesse.
Corroye: f. See Courroye. Corrude: f. Stone Asparagus, mountaine Sperage.
Corrugation: f. A corrugation, a wrinkling, or furrowing of the skin; a frowning.
Corruptelle: f. A corruption, deprauation; falsification.
Corruptement. Corruptly; to the spoyle, marring, or putrifaction of.
Corruptible: com. Corruptible; subiect vnto corruption; easie to be corrupted.
Corruption: f. Corruption; putrifaction; also, a marring, deprauing, peruerting, vitiating; also, a fasifying.
Corruptrice: f. A corruptrix; a woman that marres, or misleads, others.
Cors. The Plurall of Cor; See Cor. À cors & à cri. By Proclamation, or, with hue and crie; also, by might and maine, with heaue and hoe, earnestly, eagerly, vnhemently, seriously.
Corsage: m. The forme, habit, or constitution of the bodie. Gens de corsage. Villeins; or such as hold their land by a slauish, and seruile tenure.
Corsaire: m. A courser; as Coursier; also, a pyrat. De corsaire à corsaire n'y pend que barriques rompues: Pro. Nought is to be got of rouers but trash, or blowes.
Corselet: m. A verie little bodie.
Corser. To imbrace, take, or hold, by the bodie; to catch, take, or lay, hold of the bodie.
Corsesque: f. A kind of broad-headed Jauelin, Gleue, or Dart.
Corset: m. A little bodie; also, a paire of bodies (for a woman.)
Corsu: m. uë: f. Grosse, fleshie, corpulent, big-bodied.
Corsyre. A kind of hearbe.
Cortine. See Courtine. Corveable: com. Liable, or subiect vnto base, and personall seruices; bound to performe, or of whom a Landlord may exact, certaine dayes workes in the yeare.
Corvée: f. A boone, or bound; a toilesome, and drudging dayes worke; lent vnto a friend; or (the more properly) due by a vassall, or tenant; and to be done, either (and most properly) in his owne person, or