Dispositif: m. iue: f. Dispositiue, dispositorie, disposing.
Disposition: f. A disposing, ordering, sorting, arraying, ranging, ranking; also, an inclination, or disposition; a naturall humor, or affection vnto.
Disposte: com. as Dispos. Dispostement. Nimbly, actiuely, lustily, soundly, with a good strength, with great agilitie.
Disproportion: f. A disproportion, an inequalitie.
Disproportionné: m. ée: f. Disproportioned, vnequall, ill agreeing.
Disputable: com. Disputable; which may be reasoned of, which will admit the debating.
Disputaillé: m. ée: f. Fondly disputed of, idly debated.
Disputailler. To dispute fondly, to debate a matter scuruily.
Disputation: f. A disputation; reasoning, talking, or debating of a matter pro & contra. Dispute: f. A dispute, difference, debate, altercation. À vieux comptes nouvelles disputes: Prov. Old accompts breed new differences. Grande dispute verité rebute: Prov. Looke Verité. Disputé: m. ée: f. Disputed, debated; reasoned, argued, talked, or treated of on both sides.
Disputer. To dispute, reason, argue, talke, or treat of, pro & contra, to debate a matter in controuersie.
Disruption: f. A bursting, or breaking asunder.
Dissection: f. A dissection; a cleauing in peeces, a cutting off, or asunder.
Disseiché: m. ée: f. Dried vp.
Disseicher. To dry vp.
Disseillonner. To vnseele, or open the eyes.
Dissemblable: com. Dissemblable, vnlike, diuers, different, vnresembling.
Dissemelé: m. ée: f. Vnsoled, or, whose soles are pulled off.
Dissemeler. To vnsole, or pull the soles off a shoe.
Dissentiment: m. Dissent, disagreement, disaccord, repugnancie in opinions.
Dissention: f. Dissention, strife, debate, variance; controuersie, iarring, discord.
Dissequé: m. ée: f. Cut in peeces, clouen asunder.
Dissequer. To cut in peeces; to open, or cleaue asunder.
Dissimilaire: com. Parties du corps dissimilaires. Such compound parts of the bodie as are of sundrie substances.
Dissimulateur: m. A dissembler, hypocrite, disguiser, double dealer.
Dissimulation: f. Dissimulation, dissembling, disguising, hypocrisie, cloaking.
Dissimulatrice: f. A woman dissembler.
Dissimulé: m. ée: f. Dissembled; pretended, counterfeited.
Dissimulément. Dissemblingly, closely, couertly, vnder hand, as though he were not the man.
Dissimuler. To dissemble, counterfeit, play the hypocrite, pretend one thing and doe another.
Dissipateur. A dissipator, disperser, or scatterer abroad; an vnthrift, spendall, waster, consumer.
Dissipation: f. A dissipation, dispersing, scattering; a wasting, vnthriftinesse, prodigalitie, consuming.
Dissipé: m. ée: f. Dissipated, dispersed, scattered;
wasted, rioted, consumed.
Dissipendre. as Despendre, or Dissiper. Dissiper. To dissipate, scatter, disperse, dissolue, or send packing; to wast, consume, riot, bring vnto naught.
Dissociable: com. Vnsociable, vnaccompanable; sterne, rude, churlish, froward, vnfriendlie.
Dissociation. A dissociation; or diuiding of companie, a seperation of fellowship.
Dissocié: m. ée: f. Dissociated; seperated, or seuered from the rest.
Dissolu: m. uë: f. Dissolute, loosse, leud, retchlesse, vnrulie, disordered.
Dissoluëment. Dissolutely, loossely.
Dissolution: f. A dissoluing, abolishing; a dissolution, or loossing; also, disorder, excesse, retchlesnesse, loossenesse of conuersation.
Dissonant. Dissonant; discording, disagreeing, iarring, vntuneable, of different tune from, sounding vnlikely.
Dissouldre. To dissolue, vndoe, breake, ouerthrow.
Dissuadé: m. ée: f. Dissuaded, or dehorted from.
Dissuader. To dissuade, or dehort from.
Dissuasion: f. A dissuasion, dissuading, dehorting, aduising to the contrarie.
Dissuëtude: f. Disuse; the leauing of a custome, or vse.
Dissyllabe: com. Of two syllables.
Distance: f. A distance, or difference; a space betweene place and place.
Distant. Distant, different, diuers, farre off, farre remooued, farre asunder.
Distension: f. A distension, stretching, retching, racking, or strouting out. Distension, & convulsion de nerfs. The Crampe.
Distillable: com. Distillable; fit, or apt to be distilled.
Distillation: f. A distilling, trilling, or dropping downe. Distillation d'humeurs. A Rhewme, or Catarrhe.
Distillé: m. ée: f. Distilled; trilled, dropped downe.
Distillement: m. as Distillation. Distiller. To distill, trill, drop downe by little and little.
Distinct: m. cte: f. Distinguished, diuided, seperated, seuered, differing, alone; distinct, orderlie; marked, noted, pointed.
Distinctement. Distinctly, seuerally, asunder; pointed in order, plainely.
Distinction: f. A distinction, diuersitie, difference, a seperation; also, a note, point, or marke of difference.
Distingué: m. ée: f. Distinguished, diuided.
Distinguer. To distinguish, diuide; seperate, seuer; to discerne, or put a difference betweene; to sunder by different markes, notes, or colours.
Distique: m. A Distic; a couplet, or couple of verses.
Distract: m. Any distraction, or diuision of a Contract, Right, or Act.
Distraction: f. A distraction; a pulling, into diuers parts, or by diuers parties; a violent withdrawing, dissuading, or leading away, from.
Distraict: m. cte: f. Distracted, or distraught; plucked into diuers parts, pulled by diuers parties; violently withdrawne, dissuaded, or led away, from.
Distraict & tiré d'une part & d'autre. Wonderfully distraught, or distracted; in a thousand minds, m*st vnresolued which way to take; which part to chuse; what side to follow, or fall in with.