Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/353

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Empreincte. Bagd, full, with yong, that hath taken.

Empreindre. To print, stampe, set, presse, or thrust hard in; also, to assaile, or set on with violence.

Empreint: m. te: f. Printed, stamped, pressed, thrust hard in; also, violently assailed, furiously set on.

Empreinte: f. A stampe, a print, impression, hard setting in; a violent assault, a furious and forcible onset.

Emprendre. as Entreprendre; To vndertake.

Empres. Hard-by, neere-hand, close adioyning. (v.m.) Empressé: m. ée: f. Pressed, squeezed, thrust, crowded, or strained together. Fort empressé. Verie busie, forward, sawcily intruding into matters; hard layed to, or put extreamely to his shifts, to his plunges.

Empresser. To presse, squeeze, thrust, crowd, or straine together.

Empreut. One; the first word of reckoning, or numbring; or, as we say, Imprimis. Empris. as Entrepris; Vndertaken.

Emprise. as Entreprise. Emprisonné: m. ée: f. Imprisoned, layed by the heeles.

Emprisonnement: m. An imprisonment, a shutting vp, a full restraint of libertie.

Emprisonner. To imprison, to cast in prison, to lay by the heeles, to shut vp.

Emprunelé: m. ée: f. Belonging to the apple of the eye.

Emprunt: m. A borrowing. Mis à l'emprunt. Charged with a priuie Seale.

Emprunté: m. ée: f. Borrowed. Il n'est pas emprunté en son discours. His speech is naturall, or his owne; hee is beholden to no bodie for it.

Emprunter. To borrow. Emprunter le nom d'autruy. To vse, or abuse another mans name in a matter. Il ne choisit pas qui emprunte: Prov. Borrowers (we say beggers) are no chusers.

Emption: f. A purchasing, a buying.

Empuanti: m. ie: f. Bestunke, filled or defiled with stench, perfumed or annoyed with ill sauors.

Empuantir. To bestinke; to fill with stinke, annoy with loathsome smells, perfume with filthie odors. s'Empuantir. To wax vnsauorie, to beginne to smell.

Empunaisi: m. ie: f. as Empuanti. Empunaisir. as Empuantir. Emputé: m. ée: f. Appeached, accused, complayned of.

Emputement: m. An imputation, aspersion; accusation, or bill of complaint.

Emputer. To appeach, accuse, complaine of; to lay an imputation, cast an aspersion, on.

Emputeur: m. A secret accuser; a pickthanke, tell-*tale, complainer, apeacher, informer.

Empyeme: m. An inward collection of corrupt matter in any part of the bodie, but especially betweene the breast, and lungs.

Empyré. ciel empyré. Th' Imperiall, or highest heauen; the mansion, and dwelling place of God, and his elect.

Empyreume: m. A drie, and accidentall heat, or fierie qualitie; or, as Empireume. Emuctoire. Looke Emoinctoire: ¶Rab. Emulateur: m. An emulator, imitator, or enuier of another; a competitor, concurrent, or corriuall.

Emulation. Emulation, counterfeiting, imitation with

desire to excell; also, enuie.

Emulgeant. Milking; Looke Emulgent. Emulgence: f. A milking, or stroaking.

Emulgent. veine emulgente. One of the two maine branches of the hollow veine; which goes to the reines, and there is diuided into diuers others; some call it the pumping veine.

Emulsion: f. An emulsion; any kind of seed &c, brayed in water, and then strained to the consistence of an Almond milke; also, any kind of creame, or milkie humor.

Emut. as Esmeut. Emutissement: m. The muting, or droppings of birds.

Emyne. A kind of measure; as Emine. En. (Relating to a thing meant, or mentioned before, signifies) thereof; as, Il m'a faict tort, il s'en repentira; also, any, or none, thereof; whence; vous parlez d'argent, en avez vous? ie n'en ay point. En avoir; whence; En as tu? Hast thou that I asked for? hast thou the thing I inquired after? also, as in; I'en aura. (blowes being vnderstood) I shall be well beaten; my skin-coat will be soundly curried. I'en ay bien avallé: &; Ie m'en suis bien donné. I haue taken in my liquor freely. I'en ay trop. (at Bowles, &c;) I am too hard thrown. Il y en a en ce monde à qui ne chault. There be some in this world that care not. En estre; whence; En voulez vous estre? Will you make one? C'en est faict. (The businesse is) alreadie dispatched, or finished; (the man is) vtterly vndone, or but a dead man. Cela n'en est pas. (at game) That is no play. I'en suis ainsi. I am in this taking; such is my case, it is euen so with me. Qu'en est il? What of that? Que vous en est il? What is that vnto you? Nous en venons tout maintenant. We come from it, or from doing it, but euen now.

En. (Relating to a place before mentioned, signifies) thither; as; Il va en France; vous en allez vous? also, thence, or from thence; as, Ie viens du temple, en venez vous aussi? En. Set before Verbes of motion (as in the last example) without reference vnto a place certaine, or specified before, hath little, or no signification; as in, Ie m'en vay; en quel lieu m'en fuiray-ie? En. A Preposition; hath diuers significations; as in, into; at, on, or vpon. En amont. Vpward; en bas; Beneath, below, down-*ward. En apres. Afterward. En ce disant. The while, or whilest he said this. En outre. Moreouer, furthermore. En pour. (Vulgarly) in lieu, in stead. En tout advenement. Whatsoeuer happen; howsoeuer it be. En vision d'esprit. By a vision. Adopter en filz. To adopt, or chuse one for his sonne. C'est fait en homme, en beste. This is done like a man, like a beast.

Enaigri: m. ie: f. Sharpened; exasperated; angered; made, or growne worse and worse.

Enaigrir. To make, or grow sharpe; to anger, exasperate, make a matter the worse. s'Enaigrir. To grow worse and worse.

Enameré: m. ée: f. Made bitter.

Enamerer. To make bitter.

Enamouré de. Enamoured of, in loue with.