Endebtement: m. A debt; or being indebted; a bringing into debt.
Endebter. To bring into debt. s'Endebter. To be indebted; to owe.
Endelechie: f. Assiduitie, continualnesse, perennitie, perpetualnesse, or, perpetuall motion; as, Entelechie. Endemené: m. ée: f. Wanton, liuelie, stirring, waggish, lasciuious, that loues to be fisking, fidging, or frigging.
Endementiers. In the meane while, in the meane time, space, or season; (an old word.)
Endenté: m. ée: f. Indented, snipt on the edges, notcht in the sides.
Endenter. To indent, snip, notch, iag on the edges; also, to set, or make teeth in.
Endernier. To last, or, the later end.
Endesvé: m. ée: f. Mad, furious, raging; earnest, vehement, full of ardor.
Endesver. To rage, be mad after, or most hot vpon, a thing; to long for vehemently, lust for exceedingly, desire most feruently, affect most immoderately.
Endetter. as Endebter. Endiablé: m. ée: f. Possessed with a diuell; full of diuellishnesse; diuellish, horrible; damned, hellish.
Endiabler. To possesse with a diuell, to fill with diuellishnesse.
Endiamenté: m. ée: f. Set with Dyamonds.
Endicté: m. ée: f. Indicted, accused, informed, complained of.
Endictement: m. An indictment, accusation, information, or bill of Complaint.
Endicter. To indict, accuse, appeach; informe against; complaine vpon, charge with an offence.
Endicteur. An indicter, accuser, informer.
Endimanché: m. ée: f. Attired for high-dayes, or, that hath his hollyday face on.
Endité: m. ée: f. as Endicté; also, demonstrated, manifested, shewed, or pointed at, with a finger. Enditement. as Endictement. Enditer. as Endicter; also, to demonstrate, manifest, bewray, declare, shew, or point at with a finger. Endive: f. The hearbe Endiue. Endive crespe. Curled Endiue. Endive grande. Great garden Endiue. Endive petite. The lesse Endiue, bitter garden Endiue. Endive sauvage. Wild Endiue (whose stalke is full of a milkie iuice.)
Endizeler les gerbes. To stonke, or shocke vp sheaues of corne; to set, or make them vp in (tenne-sheaued) halfe-thraues.
Endoctrinable: com. Docible, teacheable, instructable.
Endoctriné: m. ée: f. Taught, instructed; nurtured, trayned vp, in learning, &c.
Endoctrinement: m. Instruction, teaching, nurture, a trayning vp in learning, &c.
Endoctriner. To teach, instruct; nurture; to traine, or bring, vp in the knowledge of Learning, or Arts.
Endoille. as Andouille. Endommagé: m. ée: f. Indommaged, incommodated, hindered.
Endommagement: m. A losse, dammage, indommagement, or indommaging.
Endommager. To indommage, incommodate, hinder; bring, or breed losse vnto.
Endoré: m. ée: f. Gilt all ouer; beset, inriched, a-*
<poem> *dorned with gold.
Endorer. To gild all ouer; to beset, inrich, adorne with gold.
Endormant. The Serpent Cenchris, whose stinging breeds rottennesse, and a continuall sleeping.
Endormi: m. ie: f. Sleepie, drowsie, heauie, lazie, sluggish, euer asleepe, that sleepes as he goes; also, asleepe, husht, quiet, calme, appeased, at ease, at rest. Eau endormie. A calme, still, or standing water. Fol est qui se fie en eau endormie: Prov. Men of a still, sad, sleepie, melancholicke disposition are not to be relyed on; for either they can doe little, or that which they doe is full of trecherie, and dissimulation. Membres endormis. Astonied, benummed, asleepe. Endormi comme vn Envent. Looke Envent. Homme endormi corps enseueli: Pro. There is as much vse of a dead corse, as of a drowsie creature; or, a drowsie bodie is little better then a dead.
Endormie: f. The hearbe Henbane; or Poppie.
Endormir. To lay, or lull asleepe; to cast into a sleepe; to calme, quiet, appease, bring to rest; also, to astonish, or benumme. Endormir sur l'une & l'autre aureille. To giue much ease vnto, bestow all wished contentments on; to bring a-bed (say we.) Endormir vn trompe. To set a Top. s'Endormir. To fall asleepe; to be fast, or sound asleepe; to giue himselfe to sleeping. s'Endormir sur les iniures. To be vnsencible of wrongs; dully to foreslow, or cowardly to delay, the reuenge thereof. s'Endormir sur le mestier. See Mestier. s'endormir sur le rosty. To sleepe vpon the offer of a great aduantage, faire opportunitie; or lazily to neglect, or foreslow the acceptance of them. s'endormir en sentinelle. To sleepe when he hath most cause to watch; to laze it when he hath most need to looke about him.
Endormissement: m. Sleepinesse, drowsinesse, or sluggishnesse; also, a bringing, laying, or lulling asleepe.
Endormisson de membres. Numnesse, vnsenciblenesse, benumming, astonishment, or stupiditie of the Members.
Endos. as Endossement. Endosé. That hath his share, or portion of; whose part is limitted, or prescribed vnto him.
Endossé: m. ée: f. Indorsed; put vpon the backe; also, backed, or hauing a backe; whence; Vn banc endossé. A Bench, a Forme, hauing a backe, or stay for the backe; also, the Bench thats next, or ioyning to, a wall. Espée bien endossée. A sword thats well, or strongly backt.
Endossement: m. An indorsing, or indorsement; also, a putting on the back; also, a backing, or setting a backe vnto.
Endosser. To indorse; also, to backe, or put a backe vnto; also, to put on the backe; whence; Endosser vn harnois. To arme himselfe; to put on his harnesse; to get an Armor on his backe.
Endosseure: f. The backe, or backe-part of any thing; also, an indorsement.
Endoüairé: m. ée: f. Endowed; indued with.
Endoüairer. To endow, to indue with.
Endouille: f. as Andouille. A linke; a chitterling.