Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/368

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s'Enroidir. To grow stiffe; to become obstinate.

Enrollé: m. ée: f. Inrolled, registred; mustered, among others.

Enrollement. An inrolling.

Enroller. To enroll, to register; to muster, enter, or put names, &c, into a booke, or bill.

Enroollement: m. as Enrollement. Enrotulé: m. ée: f. Inrolled; set downe in a roll.

Enrotuler. To inroll, to couch, or passe in a roll among others.

Enroüé: m. ée: f. Hoarse, whizzing, or wheazing, of a broken sound.

Enrouëmént: m. Hoarsenesse, wheazing.

Enroüément. Hoarsly, or as one that wheazes.

s'Enrouër. To grow hoarse, to get the Murre, or Pose; to wheaze, to yeeld a broken, and vnpleasing sound.

Enrouëure: f. as Enrouëmént. Enrouillé: m. ée: f. Rustie, rusted, cankered.

s'Enrouiller. To rust, to canker.

Enrouilleure. f. Rust, canker, rustinesse of mettalls.

Enroulé. Seeke Enrollé. Enrouler. as Enroller. Enroullir les yeux. To roll the eyes; to stare, gaze, or looke about him amazedly, or madly.

Enroupié. Snottie, besniueled, dropping at the nose.

Enrousé. as Arrousé. Enrouser. To water, to bedeaw; as Arrouser. Enruché: m. ée: f. Jnhiued, put into hiues, abiding in a hiue.

Enrucher. To inhiue, or put into a hiue.

s'Enruisseler. To runne out in, or to diuide it selfe into, little streames, brookes, channels.

Ens. In, within, inward. Faire venir les deniers du Roy ens. To gather, and send vp the Kings money into th' Exchequer.

Ensablé: m. ée: f. Filled, strawed, or couered with sand; also, runne, or split, as a ship, on the sands.

Ensabler. To fill, couer, or strow with sand; also, to split, or runne on the sands, as a ship.

Ensablonner. To besprinkle, strow, or fill with grauell, or great sand.

Ensaché: m. ée: f. Insachelled, impoaked, put vp into a bag, sachell, or poake.

Ensacher. To poake vp; to put into a bagge, sacke, or poake.

Ensafrané: m. ée: f. Besaffroned; mingled or seasoned, stained or coloured, with Saffron.

Ensafranner. To mingle, season, dresse, or furnish; to die, staine, colour, or paint ouer, with saffron.

Ensagi: m. ie: f. Growne sage, made wise.

Ensagir. To grow sage, or wise; to wax aduised.

Ensaisiné: m. ée: f. Fully seised; put into absolute possession of.

Ensaisinement: m. An inseisining; a deliuerie of, or putting into, possession.

Ensaisiner. To giue seisin, or a seisure; to put into full possession of.

Ensalli: m. ie: f. Defiled, fouled, polluted; made nastie, growne filthie.

Ensallir. To defile, foule, pollute; infect; corrupt; make nastie, beastlie, filthie.

Ensallissement: m. A filing, defiling, polluting; infecting, corrupting.

Ensanglanté: m. ée: f. Bebloudied; imbrued with, died, in bloud.

Ensanglanter. To bebloudie, to make bloudie; to die in bloud; to imbrue, or besprinkle with gore.

Ensaqué: m. ée: f. Put into a sacke, or wallet.

Ensaquer. To put vp into a sacke, or wallet.

Ensavonné: m. ée: f. Besoaped; washed, or done ouer, with soape.

Ensavonner. To besoape; to wash or lather in, to annoint or bismeare with, sope.

Ensceptré: m. ée: f. Wearing, or bearing, a Scepter; possessed of a Scepter.

Enscophionné: m. ée: f. Coifed, wearing a cawle, or coife.

Enseigne: m. An Ensigne, Auntient, Standard-bearer; He that, in warre, carries the Colours of a Companie of foot.

Enseigne: f. A signe, token, marke, note, badge, argument, or presumption of a thing; a print, trace, or tract to find it out by; also, an Ensigne, Standard, or Banner; the Colours vnder which a Band, or Companie of scotmen serue; also, the Band, or Companie it selfe; also, a Signe hung out at a doore; also, a Jewell (giuen.) À bonnes enseignes. Truely, throughly, for a certaine, in good earnest, not onely in shew. À fausses enseignes. Fainedly, falsly, counterfeitly, by forged markes, or tokens; onely for a colour. Coucher à l'enseigne de l'estoille. To lie without doores all night.

Enseigné: m. ée: f. Taught, instructed, leßoned; ordered, fashioned, trained vp; directed, shewed, pointed out vnto.

Enseignement: m. A teaching, instruction, document, precept, institution, doctrine; lesson, or example set; a disciplining, ordering, fashioning, directing, or trayning vp. Les Enseignements d'vn procez. Instructions, Bookes, Euidences, Instruments, Authorities.

Enseigner. To teach, to instruct; to giue precepts, to set lessons to; to direct, shew, marke; point, or trace out vnto; also, to fashion, or traine vp.

Enseigneur: m. A Teacher, or Instructer; and, (more particularly,) the Vsher of a Free-schoole; also, the first finger, pointing finger, or fore-finger.

Enseigneurié. Inseignorized, made Lord, or owner of.

Ensel. Sword-like, of a sword. Cautere ensel. See Cautere. Ensellé: m. ée: f. Saddle-backt; also, sadled.

Enseller vn cheval. To saddle a horse; (a word seldome vsed.)

Ensemble. Also, likewise; with, withall, ioyntly, together, one with another, one in companie of another; also, one against th' other. Nous sommes bien ensemble. We are good friends; or well met; also (angrily) I care as little as you.

Ensemblement. Together, one with another, ioyntly; all, or both at once; as well th' one as th' other.

Ensemencé: m. ée: f. Sowed, seeded; furnished with seed.

Ensemencement: m. A sowing, seeding, or furnishing with seed.

Ensemencer. To sow; to set, or furnish with seed.

Ensement. Likewise; as Semblablement.(v.m.) Ensencement. as Encensement. Ensepvelir. Seeke Ensevelir. Ensepulturé: m. ée: f. Buried, intombed, laied in a Sepulchre.

Ensepulturer. To lay in a Tombe, or Sepulchre.

Enserpenté. Full of Serpents, couered with Serpents.

Enserré: m. ée: f. Closed, inclosed, locked, or shut, fast vp; kept close, held hard in; straitned, restrained, sore pressed, neere pinched.

Enserrement: m. A closing, or shutting fast vp; a keeping,