Esgrainer. as Esgrener. Esgraphé: m. ée: f. Loossed, pulled asunder, pulled away from; or as Desgrafé. Esgrapher. To loosse, pull asunder, or pull away from; or as Desgrafer. Esgraphigner. as Esgratigner. Esgratigné: m. ée: f. Scratched, scraped, rent, or torne with the nailes.
Esgratignement: m. A scratching, scraping, tearing with the nailes.
Esgratigner. To scrape, scratch, rend, or teare with the nailes.
Esgratigneur: m. A scraper, or scratcher.
Esgratigneure: f. as Esgratignement; Also, a scratch, rend, or teare, with the nailes.
Esgrené: m. ée: f. Fruitlesse, barren, sterile, without corne; also, vngrained, vnseeded; depriued, as an husk of it seed, an eare of it corne, or graine.
Esgrener. To shake corne out of it eare; pease, or beanes out of their husks; to depriue, or make barren of corne; to vnseed, or take the seed out of.
Esgrette. as Aigrette. Esgrugé: m. ée: f. Grated small; also, crumbled, crummed, or broken into small peeces.
Esgrugeoir: m. The little round grater of lattin, thats kept in a case of the same, and vsed most for the Nutmeg.
Esgruger. To grate small; also, to crumble, or breake vnto crummes.
Esgrumé: m. ée: f. Vnclustered; vncluttered; shaken, or taken, from it cluster.
Esgrumelé. as Esgrumé. Esgrumeler. To vncluster, or vnclutter; to shake, or take asunder things that hang loosse together.
Esgrumer. To pluck grapes from their cluster.
Esgruné: m. ée: f. Crummed, crumbled, broken small.
Esgruner. To crumme, crumble, breake small.
Esgual. as Egual. Esgualation. An equalling, matching, leuelling, making like.
Esgualé, &, Esgualer. Seeke Egualé, &, Egualer. Esgue: f. A leane, ill-fauoured, carrion mare.
Esgueré. la bouche esguerée. Seeke Esgaré. Esguerer. as Esgarer. Esgueulé: m. ée: f. Gorged; whose throat is cut, or mouth burst.
Esgueuler. To gorge; to cut the throat, or burst the mouth of. s'Esgueuler de crier. To split his mouth by vehement exclaiming.
Esguiere: f. An Ewer, a Lauer.
Esguille: f. A needle; also, a small fish called, a Horne-*beake, Snacot-fish, Gane-fish, Piper-fish; Looke Aiguille. Esguillé: m. ée: f. Of a needle, full of needles; wrought with the needle; pricked with needles.
Esguillée: f. A needlefull of; also, a pricke, or stitch with a needle.
Esguilleter. To trusse the points.
Esguillette: f. A point.
Esguillettes d'armes. Looke Aiguillettes.
Esguillette de chien. A course leatherne point.
Esguillettes de souliers. The straps.
Esguillette nouée. The charming of a mans cod-*peece point so, as he shall not be able to vse his owne wife, or woman (though he may vse any other;) Hence; avoir l'esguillette nouée, signifies, to want erection: (This impotencie is supposed to come by the force of
certaine words vttered by the Charmer, while he ties a knot on the parties codpeece-point.) Courir l'esguillette. To be madde after a P. to run vp and downe after her leacherie, like a salt bitch; to play the common whoore; (In old time common wenches were enioyned to weare a point on one of their shoulders, thereby to distinguish them from those that professed honestie.)
Esguillier: m. A needle-maker.
Esguillon: m. A pricke, a goad, a sting, a spurre; a prouocation; any thing that incenseth, stirreth, or vrgeth forward; also, an inward griefe, pinch, or biting hurt. Esguillons. Little stakes headed with yron, and stuck into the ground, for the galling of horsemen. De petit esguillon poinct on bien grande asnesse: Prov. A little goad can pricke a great she Asse. Qui contre esguillon recule, deux fois se poind: Prov. Seeke Reculer. Tel asne tel esguillon: Prov. Looke Asne. Esguillonné: m. ée f. Pricked, stung; pinched; vexed; vrged, incensed, prouoked forward.
Esguillonnement: m. A pricking, stinging; pinching; vrging, incensing, forward.
Esguillonner. To pricke, sting; pinch; vex; vrge, egge; force, prouoke, incite, instigate, forward.
Esguillonneur: m. A pricker, stinger; vrger, incenser, prouoker, instigater.
Esguillonneuse: f. She that moueth, incenseth, vrgeth, pricketh forward.
Esguisé: m. ée: f. Whetted, sharpened, whereon a good edge is set.
Esguiser. To whet, sharpen, set an edge on.
Esguiseur: m. A sharpener, or whetter of blades.
Eshanché: m. ée: f. Whose hip, or hanch is out of ioynt.
Eshancher. To put a hanch, or hip out of ioynt.
Eshancheure: f. A putting of the hip, or hanch out of ioynt.
Esherbé: m. ée: f. Weeded.
Esherbement: m. A weeding; a ridding of weeds, a plucking vp of grasse, or weeds,
Esherber. To weed; rid of weeds; plucke vp the grasse, or weeds.
Eshonté: m. ée: f. Shameleße, impudent, brasen-faced, ouer-bold, whom nothing can put out of countenance. Os eshonté. The forehead bone, so called by some.
Eshontement: m. Shamelesnesse, impudencie, vnshamefastnesse, gracelesnesse.
Eshontément. Shamelesly, impudently.
s'Eshonter. To be shamelesse, impudēt, ouer-bold; to haue a brasen face; to blush at nothing; to be past grace.
Esjetté: m. ée: f. Eiected, ierted, or squirted vp; cast out, launched forth.
s'Esjetter. To iert, or squirt vp; to eiect, cast out, or launch forth, it selfe.
Esjeuné: m. ée: f. Kept fasting, starued.
Esjeuner. To keepe fasting, to starue.
s'Esjouir. To reioyce, make merrie; be glad, blithe, iocond, pleasant, frolicke, full of glee.
Esjouissance: f. Ioy, mirth, glee, reioycing, gladnesse.
s'Esjouissant. Gladsome, frolicke, iocond, reioycing.
s'Esjourner. To linger, tarrie long, take his leasure, vse delayes; Looke Sejourner. Eslagué: m. ée: f. Pruned, rid, or cleansed of vnprofitable shutes, boughes, or branches.
Eslaguer. To crop, and cut off vnprofitable, hurtfull, or vnhandsome branches from trees.
Eslaguoir: m. Th' instrument wherwith such branches are cut off.