Espremason: f. The bloudie flix, accompanied with a painefull wringing of the bowels. ¶Gasc. S'Esprendre. To take, seise, catch hold; also, to fire, to kindle.
Espreu. Tout à espreu. Expressely, of set purpose, for the nonce.
Esprevains. A Splint, or Spauin in a horses leg.
Esprevier: m. A Sparhauke; also, any kind of short-winged Hauke.
Espreuve: f. A proofe, tryall, experiment, essay, attempt. Mettre en espreuve. To put vnto tryall, or to the touch; to aduenture, hazard, see what will happen, try what may be done.
Espringalle: f. An auncient Engin of warre, whereout stones, peeces of yron, and great arrowes were shot at the walls of a beleaguered Towne, and the defendors thereof; (now out of vse.)
Espringaller. To leape, spring, bound, spurt; (an old word.)
Espringarde. as Espringalle. Espris: m. ise: f. Taken, surprised, seised; also, inflamed, kindled, wholly possessed with.
Esprit: m. The Spirit, Soule; Heart; breath, heat; mind, thought; opinion; wit, conceit; also, life, courage, mettall, stomacke, viuacitie, liuelinesse, or smartnesse of humor; also, affection, fancie, disposition, inclination; also, a ghost, or spirit. Voicy vn'estoffe qui n'a que l'esprit. (Merrily) this stuffe is but sleight, or hath no substance in it. Les Alemans ont l'esprit aux doigts: Prov. The Germans wit rests in their fingers; viz. they are better Artisans then Artists, better at handy-crafts then at head-craft.
Espronnade. as Esperonnade. Esprouvé: m. ée: f. Proued, tryed; approued, experimented; attempted, hazarded, assayed; searched, sounded.
Esprouver. To proue, try; attempt, assay; sound looke, or search into.
Esprouvette: f. A probe; a little instrument wherewith wounds, and vlcers are searched.
Espucer. To flea; to rid of fleas; to kill fleas.
Espucé: m. ée: f. Fleaed, rid of fleas.
Espuceter. as Espucer. Espuisé: m. ée: f. Drayned; exhausted, emptied, drawne dry (as a Well of water;) also, drawne out (as water out of a Well;) also, withered; wasted, consumed; (as a substance whose moisture is spent.)
Espuisement: m. A drayning; exhausting, emptying, drawing out, or drawing dry.
Espuiser. To drayne; exhaust, emptie; draw dry (as a Well of water;) also, to draw out (as water out of a Well;) also, to wast, consume, soake, or sucke vp the moisture of.
Espuiseur: m. A drayner; exhauster, emptier of moisture; also, a drawer of water out of a Well.
Espuisoir: m. Any thing that serues to drayne, exhaust, or emptie another thing of moisture; and hence, the hollow shouell wherewith Watermen lade their leakie Boats.
Espulcer. as Espucer. Espuration: f. A running, as of a sore; also, a cleansing, or clarifying; also, a strayning, or squeesing of liquor from.
Espuré: m. ée: f. Cleansed, purified, clarified; also, drayned, or growne dry, as a sore that ranne; also, strayned, wrung, or squeesed out.
Espurer. To runne, as a broken sore; also, to run, or drop, dry; also, to straine, wring, or squeese liquor out of; also, to cleanse, purifie, clarifie.
Espurge: f. Garden Spurge, whereof there are two kinds, a greater, and a lesse.
Espurgé: m. ée: f. Purged out; cleansed, cleered, rid of; also, pruined.
Espurger. To purge, cleere, cleanse, rid of; also, to pruine, or picke off the noysome knobs, or buds of trees.
Espy. as Espi; also, as Espée Romaine. Esquadre: f. A squadron (of footmen;) Looke Escadre. Esquadron: m. A Squadron; a troope of souldiors ranged into a square bodie, or batallion. (This word is most commonly meant onely of horsemen, (Bataillon of footmen) and sometimes both of horse, and foot.)
Esquaille: f. as Escaille; a scale, or shale.
Esquailler. To pill, shale, or scale.
Esqualié: m. ée: f. Leuelled, plained, smoothed, made euen.
Esqualier. To leuell, plaine, smooth, make euen.
Esqualle. as Escaille. Esqualler. as Esquailler. Esquarcelle: f. A leatherne pouch.
Esquarquillé. Put, spred, wide open; set, seuered, farre asunder; stradled.
Esquarquillement: m. A spreading, or setting wide asunder; a stradling.
Esquarquiller. To spread, set, or open, wide; to put farre asunder. Esquarquiller les jambes. To stradle, stride, set the legs wide open. Esquarquiller les yeux. To stare; to looke big on it.
Esquarre: f. A square, or squarenesse.
Esquarré: m. ée: f. Square, or squared.
Esquarrir. To square; make square; hew, or cut square.
Esquarrisseur. A squarer of stones, or timber.
Esquarrissure: f. Squarenesse; or, a squaring.
Esquarrure: f. The same.
Esquartelé: m. ée: f. Quartered; dismembred.
Esquartelement: m. A quartering; a dismembring; Looke Esquartellement. Esquarteler. To quarter; dismember; cut or hew, into quarters; rent or teare, in peeces.
Esquarteleure: f. as Esquartellement. Esquartellement: m. A quartering, dismembring, tearing, or hewing in peeces; also, the cast or casting, proportion or composition, of members or quarters.
Esquarter. as Escarter; to scatter &c; also, to emptie quart-pots.
Esquené: m. ée: f. Broken-backed, or swayed in the backe.
Esquener. To breake the backe of, to sway in the backe.
Esqueüé: m. ée: f. Curtall, curtalled; vntayled, without tayle, depriued of a tayle.
Esqueuilles: f. Dregs, ouen-sweepings; excrements, offalls.
Esqueuillon. A Spunge, or Scourer for a peece of Ordnance; or, as Escouillon. Esqueuré: m. ée: f. Out of heart; leane, poore, pulled downe, fallen away extreamely.
Esquiavine: f. A long, and violent correction, or beating, of a stubborne, and vntoward lade.
Esquiche. The first rude, or sleight draught of a Modell, or platforme, for a building.
Esquiché: m. ée: f. Imbossed; rudely done, or sleightly drawne.