essentially ioyned, or linked vnto.
Essentiel: m. elle: f. Essentiall, reall, naturall, materiall; effectuall; forcible, powerfull.
Essentier. as Essencier. Esseppé: m. ée: f. Stocked, or whose stocke is cut.
Essepper. To stocke, or cut the stocke of.
Essette de Tonnelier. A Coopers Chipping-ax, or Addis.
Esseulé: m. ée: f. Abandoned, forsaken, left all alone.
Esseuoüere. A common Sinke, or Sewer.
Essieu: m. An axletree.
Essil: m. A Shingle, or thin boord of wood, such as we couer houses with.
Essiller. To lauish, or spend wastfully.
Essilliere: f. The clout thats layed betweene the legs of an infant.
Essimé: m. ée: f. Made leane, drawne dry, pulled downe, brought low. Essimé comme vn harang soret. as leane as a rake, or a red Herring.
Essimer. To vnfatten, or take away superfluous fat; to pull downe, make leane, bring low. S'essimer avec les femmes. To keepe much with women; to drayne, soake, or draw himselfe dry in their companie.
Essoin. as Essein; a swarme of Bees.
Essoine. as Exoine; also, want of abilitie in Souldiors to defend, or besiege, a place.
Essoinner. To swarme, as Bees.
Essois: m. Axletrees of Carts &c.
Essongne. Droict d'essongne. Looke Droict. Essonnier. To essoine; to excuse, or discharge an absent, or impotent person, &c; as Essoyner, or Exonier. Essor: m. Drought, dry weather; drynesse, lacke of moisture; also, a withering, decaying, or comming to nought, by excessiue drought, or drynesse; also, as Essort. L'essor du iour. The heat, or hot, and drying time, of the day. Aller à l'essor. To goe weather him; also, a Hawke to fly downe the wind, or goe out. Mettre à l'essor. To drayne, soake, draw dry; to wast, consume, bring to decay by drought; also, to lay out, a drying, or in the heat of the day; or to expose vnto the ayre; to weather.
Essorbé: m. ée: f. Supped vp.
Essorber. To sup vp.
Essoré: m. ée: f. Dryed, drayned, soaked, or drawne dry; withered, or consumed by drought; also, weathered, ayred; layed out in the ayre, exposed vnto all weathers; also, mounted or soared vp; also, flowne downe the wind; fled, or carried away by the wind; gone out; also, vented, breathed, issued, or passed, out into the ayre. Esparvier essoré. A sore Sparhawke. Lieu essoré. An open place, a Sunnie brow, or banke.
Essoreillé: m. ée: f. Earelesse, without eares, that hath lost his eares; Looke Essorillé. Essoreiller. To make earelesse, cut off eares, depriue of eares.
Essorer. To dry; drayne, draw dry; soake; to marre, make wither or decay by ouermuch drought; also, to ayre, or weather; to expose vnto, or lay out in, the weather; also, to mount or soare vp; also (being mounted) to fly downe the wind; fly his countrey; fly away, or goe out; also, to vent, breath, issue or passe, out into the ayre.
S'essorer. To weather himselfe, or dry himselfe in the weather; also, to mount, or soare vp, &c; as in Essorer; also, to keepe himselfe dry; to shade or shrowd himselfe from wetting; to shun approaching, or threatned, stormes.
Essorillé. as Essoreillé; whence; Cette coiffe est trop essorillée. The eares of this coife are too short, or too little.
Essort: m. as Essor; also, a soaring, mounting, eleuation, high-rising; also, a vent, issue, passage, hole to breach or breake out at.
Essourdé. as Essourdi. Essourder. To deafen, to make deafe.
Essourdi: m. ie: f. Growne deafe, made deafe, stone-deafe.
Essourdir. as Essourder. Essoyné: m. ée: f. Weakened, disabled of bodie, made impotent by stripes, blowes, wounds, &c; hence also, essoyned, whose absence is excused by reason of his impotencie.
Essoyner. To weaken, enfeeble, disable, make impotent by stripes, blowes, wounds, &c; also, to essoine, or excuse; Looke Exonier. Essuccé: m. ée: f. Soaked, drayned, drawne dry, without sap, without moisture.
Essucer. To drinke, soake, or sucke vp; to drayne, to draw dry.
Essué. as Essuit. Essueil: m. The threshold of a dore.
Essuiau: m. A dish-clowt. Essuiau de bois. Billet-wood fastened together with young Polls, and so conueyed downe riuers.
Essuier. To wipe, cleanse, make cleane; dry vp.
Essuit: m. ite: f. Wiped, cleansed, made cleane; dryed vp.
Essuler. To exile, to banish.
Essuyé: m. ée: f. Wiped; cleansed, or made cleane on the outside; also, dryed, or dry; also, tallowed, or annointed with tallow.
Essuye-main: m. A Hand-towell; or cloth to wipe the hands on.
Essuyer. To wipe; to cleanse, or make cleane (also, to dry) the outside of; also, to tallow, or annoynt with tallow.
Est: m. l'Est. The East; or, the East wind.
Establage: m. Stabling for horses; also, a fee due for their standing in an Jnne, &c; also, as Estallage; stallage.
Estable: f. A Stable; an Osterie, or Ostellerie; also, a sheepe-house, or fould. Estable à bœufs, &c; an Ox-stall, or Ox-house. Estable à oyes. A penne, or coope for Geese. Estable à pourceaux. An hogge-stie, a swines-stie. De grosse table à l'estable: Prov. He that in housekeeping spends more then he's able, may fall to horsekeeping, and dy in a stable.
Establement. Stabling, or standing for horses.
Establer. To stable; to put into, or set vp in, a stable.
Establi: m. A stall.
Establi: m. ie: f. Established; setled, assured, fixed, confirmed, made fast; enacted, ordained, surely appointed.
Establie: f. The stall of a Taylor, &c; also, as Establissement; and hence; Brief d'establie. A Writ, or Iniunction for the s**ling, or establishment of a Possession.
Establier: m. as Establie; a stall.
Establies: f. Companies, squadrons, or battalliers of