Fil-gros. Shoomakers thread.
Filiastre: m. A sonne in law, step-sonne, sonne by a former marriage.
Filiation: f. The being a sonne; the estate of a sonne.
Filiére: f. A cryance; or a long thread tyed to the lunes of an Hagard, or young Hawke, when she is taught to come vnto the fist, or lure; also, a net; also, a ranke, file, row; also, a Lyon-peece, or Ridge-peece, of timber; a side-*wauer.
Filipende. as Filipendule. Filipendule: f. Filipendula, Dropwort, red Saxifrage.
Fillains: m. The tackling of a ship; small tackle.
Fillandrerie. See Filandrerie. Fillasse: f. as Filace. La fillasse de nostre Dame. The small, and slender strings of a Cobweb.
Fillastre: m. A sonne in law, or step-sonne.
Fille: f. A daughter; also, a maid; girle, modder, lasse, wench.
Fille de France. A daughter of France, the French Kings daughter.
Fille de ioye. A whore, punke, harlot, queane, strumpet, cockatrice, common hackney, pleasant sinner.
Filles penitentes. as Filles Repenties.
Fille perduë. A desperate filth, gracelesse flurt; or, as Fille de ioye.
Filles repenties. An Order of Nunnes, which haue beene profest whores; Conuertists.
Belle fille. A step-daughter; daughter by a former marriage, daughter in law.
Les sept filles de la Preuosté de Paris. Seuen Bayliwikes, or Towne-ships, which belong, and are subiect, vnto the Chastelet of Paris; viz. Poissy, S. Germain en Laye, Tornan & Torcy en Brie, Corbeil, Monlehery, & Gonnesse en France.
D'une fille deux gendres. A seuerall commoditie, or hire, drawne from seuerall parts, or parties, for the vse of one thing.
Se fier en vne fille? Allez vous y frotter. Looke Frotter.
Fille aimant silence est douée de grand science: Pro. The loue of silence in a maid's great science.
Fille brunette est de nature gaye, & nette: Prov. The nut-browne lasse for mirth and neatnesse doth surpasse.
Fille fenestriere, & trotiere rarement bonne mesnagere: Pro. A gazing, and gadding maid seld proues good houswife.
Fille honneste, & moriginée, est assez riche, & bien dotée: Pro. An honest maid of mannerlie behauiour, hath wealth ynough for any man to haue her.
Fille oiseuse rarement vertuëuse: Prov. An idle maid is rarelie vertuous; or, a maid that does nought learnes to doe naught.
Fille oisive à mal pensive: Pro. The sloathfull maid still thinks of sinne; a maiden sit-still thinks on ill.
Fille qui donne s'abandonne: Pro. A maid that giues is easily gotten.
Fille qui prend elle se rend: Pro. A maid that takes (much) is as good as taken.
Fille trop veuë, Robbe trop vestuë, n'est pas chere tenuë: Prov. A maid oft seene, gowne too oft worne, are disesteem'd, and held in scorne.
Mauvaise fille se mocque de sa mere: Prov. So does the filthie bird beray her neast.
Les sottes filles à marier sont fascheux troupeaux à garder: Prov. Wenches fond of mariage are troublesome cattell to keepe.
Quand la fille pese vn auque on luy peut mettre la cauque: Prov. See Cauque. Autant se prise beau varlet que belle fille: Prov. A faire lad thinkes himselfe good ynough for any lasse, or thinkes as well of himselfe as any lasse; a Jack's at all times worthie of a Gill. Entre promettre, & donner se doit la fille marier: Pro. See Promettre. La Goutte en la hanche la fille en la pance: Prov. The Gout in the hanch, a girle in the panch; viz: If a woman feele often paine in her backe, flanke, hips, legs, & knuckles, tis a signe that she is withchild of a girle. Mere piteuse fait sa fille roigneuse: Prov. A gentle mother breeds a scuruie daughter.
Fille-femme. A crackt peece, one that hath got a clap; one that goes for a maid, (but is none.)
Filleret: m. ette: f. Maidenlie, white-liuered, effeminate.
Fillerie. as Filerie. Fillet. A watering bit for a horse; or, as Filet. Fillette: f. A girle, yong maid, little wench; also, a firkin, barriquet, small wine vessell. Fillette de Bourgongne. The halfe of a Muid; holds nine Stiers, and the Stier eight (French) pintes.
Filleul: m. A god-sonne.
Filleule: f. A god-daughter.
Filliastre. as Fillastre. Filliere. as Filiere. Filloche: f. A little thread.
Fillol: m. as Filleul; A god-sonne.
Fillole: f. A buddie knob in a vine, like a wart.
Fillot: m. A god-sonne.
Filoire: f. A spinster.
Filon. A veine of mettall in a mine.
Filoselle: f. Ferret silke, or flurt-silke; and the stuffe Filozella, being all, or the better halfe, of ferret-silke.
Fils: m. A sonne; a boy; a man-child. Fils de putain. A whoore-sonne; a bastard; Looke Putain. Beau fils. A step sonne; or sonne by a former mariage. À pere amasseur fils gaspilleur: Prov. See Pere. Filtration: f. A straining, distilling, or passing of simples, &c, through a felt.
Filtré: m. ée: f. Strained, distilled, or passed, through a felt.
Filtrer. To straine, distill, or passe, through a felt.
Fimport: m. A forme of, or, course in, Law, binding a plaintife to fetch in, & make ioyne in suit with him, all such as can pretend any right, interest, or portion in the thing which he meanes to recouer: (By the customes of Britaine.)
Fimporter. A plaintife to fetch in, and make ioyne in suit with him, all such, as pretend any right, interest, or portion in the thing he meanes to sue for.
Fin: m. le fin de l'essay de monnoye. The remainder, ouerplus, or surplusage thereof.
Fin: f. A fine, end, issue, conclusion, successe; also, a finishing, ceasing, ending; also, a seame, or veine, in a quarrey of stone; also, a barre, exclusion, refusall, or exception, vrged, or pleaded in issue; & sometimes th' issue it selfe.
Fins de non proceder. Are no better then dilatorie pleas; as an exception, against the iurisdiction of the Court, or by reason of the qualitie of the person vnfit to be impleaded therein, &c.
Fins de non recevoir. Looke Recevoir.
Fine de terre. A Promontorie in Britaine, so tearmed, because it is one of th' ends of France.
Bonne fin. faire bonne fin. To thriue, cheeue, increase, or prosper well.