Generosité: f. Generositie; gentilitie, gentrie; generousnesse, noblenesse, great worthinesse; brauerie of disposition, gallantnesse of humor; courage, valour, stoutnesse.
Genesie: f. Generation, natiuitie; also, a kind of hearb of sundrie colours.
Genest: m. Broome; (especially that kind therof which is called, Bastard Spanish Broome.) Genest d'Afrique. as Genest d'Espaigne; Spanish Broome. Genest d'Espaigne. Spanish Broome; (some also tearme Gaude so, because they resemble one another.) Genest espineux. Furres, Whinnes, Gorse, Thorne-*broome. Petit genest. Sweet Broome, Heath, or Ling.
Genestay: m. A Broome close.
Geneste: f. Ordinarie Broome, or the Broome whereof Beesomes are made; also, a kind of garden hearbe resembling Beets.
Genesteux: m. euse: f. Full of Broome.
Genestier: m. ere: f. Of Broome, belonging to Broome.
Genestriere: f. A ground, or countrey full of Broome, or Iuniper.
Genet: m. A kind of bit with a round port; a bit for a Genet; a Genet-bit.
Genethliaque. Birth, natiuitie.
Genethliatique. A Caster, or Calculator, of Natiuities.
Genette: f. A Genet, or Spanish horse; also, a bit for a Genet; also, a kind of Weesell, blacke-spotted, and bred in Spaine. Vne housse à la genette. A verie short foot-cloth. Ordre de la genette. Seeke Ordre. Chevaucher à la genette. To ride with verie short stirrups.
Genevre: m. Iuniper.
Genevrier: m. A shrub, or plant of Iuniper. Genevrier rouge. Cedar Iuniper; the crimzon, or pricklie Cedar.
Gengive: f. as Gencive; A Gunne. Genial: m. ale: f. Geniall; belonging to lucke, or chance; or to a mans nature, disposition, inclination.
Genie. la g. Ones good, or bad angell; also, his nature, instinct, inclination, originall disposition.
Geniculiere. The hearbe Salomons seale, Scala cœli, White-root, or White-wort.
Genillette. A Henne: ¶Savoyard. Genin: m. A Wittall.
Genisse: f. A heyfer. Mener la genisse au taureau. To play the Baud, sell a Virginitie, prostitute a maid.
Genital. Genitall, fit for breed, apt to beget, seruing to ingender.
Genitif: m. The Genitiue case.
Genitif: m. iue: f. Naturall, ingendering, of an ingendering facultie.
Genitoires: m. The genitories, or genitalls; the priuie parts, the instruments of generation.
Geniture: f. A race, linage, progenie, generation; also, a birth; an ingendering, breeding, begetting.
Genne: f. as Gehenne.
Genner. as Gehenner.
Genoillet: m. The hearbe called White-root, or White-wort, Salomons seale, and Scala cœli.
Genoilliere: f. as Genoillet.
Genouil: m. A knee; also, a certaine peece of crooked wood in the poope of a ship.
Rompre l'anguille au genouil. To attempt impossibilities; to labour in vaine.
Genouillé: m. ée: f. Knottie; kneed; full of ioynts, as the staulke of some hearbes.
Genouillée: f. Kneed grasse; also, as Geniculiere; Some also call the hearbe Stitchwort so, because it is full of ioynts.
Genouillere: f. Salomons seale, Scala cœli, White-root, White-wort.
Genouilleres: f. Pullie-peeces (Armour) for the knees.
Genouillet: m. A little knee; also, a knot, or ioynt in the staulke of an hearbe, or of corne; also, as Genoillet. Genre: m. Kind; a kind of.
Gens: m. Men, people, folke; nations, inhabitants of a countrey; also, the ordinarie attendants, or followers of a great man. Gens d'armes. Compleat horsemen, men of Armes; Looke Gensdarmes. Gens de comptes. The Officers, or Ouerseers of the Chamber of Accompts. Gens de corps, ou de corsage. Villeines; or such as hold by a seruile tenure. Gens d'eglise. The Ministerie, Clergie, Church-men; Prelates, Priests, Friers, &c. Gens de Iustice. Counsellors, Judges, Justicers, Magistrates, Officers of Justice. Gens de main morte. as Gens de poeste. Gens de mestier. Artificers, or handicrafts-men. Gens d'Ordonnance. Trained horsemen; or, as Gensdarmes des Ordonnances. Gens perdus. Desperate people; also, souldiors exposed vnto the greatest hazards; the forlorne hope. Gens de pied. Footmen; or th'Infanterie of an Armie. Gens de poeste, poste, ou pote. Yeomen, Roturiers, ignoble vassalls, or tenants; vnnoble persons. Gens de robbe longue. Lawyers; also, all others, whose ciuile professiō enioyns them, ordinarily, to weare long gownes. Les gens du Roy. The Kings Counsell learned. Gens de sac & de licol. Rascalls, rakehells, rogues, vagabonds, loytering scoundrells; also, begging Friers. Gens de suitte. Villeines; Looke Suitte. Gens de voirie. Scauingers, Dung-farmers, Gold-*finders. Gens de bien sont tousiours gracieux: Prov. Good men are euer gracious, affable, courteous. À gens de bien on ne pert rien: Prov. One seldome looses by dealing with, or dwelling neere, honest men. De gens de bien vient tout bien: Prov. From good men comes all goodnesse. Les gens de bien font tousjours bien, ont tousjours bien, & sont tousjours bien: Prov. Il y a gens & gens: Prov. There are of all sorts, good and bad; there is much choice of, great difference in, men; one should not expect (that cannot deserue) as much as another. Tant de gens tant de guises: Prov. As many different natures as nations; as many seuerall fashions as folke.
Gens-d'-armes. Looke Gendarme. Gensemy: m. The little sweet flower Jasmine, Gelsomine, or Gesse.
Gent: f. A nation, people; stocke, race, kind, linage, familie, kindred; Looke Gens.
Gent: m. gente: f. Neat, spruce, fine, compt, prettie,