Le faict, & gouvernement d'une republique. The policie, or course of proeeeding in State-matters; the managing of publicke businesse in a countrey.
Gouverner. To gouerne, rule, commaund, maister, sway; ouersee; to seignorize, or haue authoritie, ouer; also, to guide, order, direct, conduct, looke vnto, haue the charge of; also, to temper, moderate, restraine; also, to intertaine with discourse. Qui gouverne bien la bouche. That is a temperate feeder. Qui gouverne bien son cas. One that lookes well to his businesse. Ie le gouvernay teste à teste environ vne bonne heure. I conuersed with him hand to hand; I held him chat, or in discourse, J intertained him with talke, an houre together. Celuy gouverne bien mal le miel qui n'en taste: Prov. Hee's but an ill cooke that licks not his owne fingers; Looke Miel. Gouverneresse: f. as Gouvernante. Gouverneur: m. A Ruler, Gouernour, Commaunder, Ouerseer.
Gouvert. as Gouvernement. Gouytrouz. as Goitrons; Swines wadles. ¶Rab. Goy: m. A little hand-bill, Vine-hooke, or Vine-knife.
Goyart. A long hedging bill, or Welsh hooke.
Goye: f. Ioy. ¶Pic. also, as Goy. Goyelle: f. A kind of Cheese-cake; as Talmouse. ¶Pic. Goyon. A Gudgeon.
Gozal: m. A sitting Pigeon. ¶Rab. Grabat: m. A poore mans bed; a course Mattresse, a Straw-bed; also, a Couche.
Grabeau: m. A garbelling of spices, &c; (hence) also, a curious examination, neere sifting of, precise search into, matters.
Grabellé: m. ée: f. Garbelled; also, neerely examined, precisely sifted, narrowly looked, curiously searched, into.
Grabeller. To garbell spices &c; (and hence) also, to examine precisely, sift neerely, looke narrowly, search curiously, into.
Grabué. An Jronicall allusion to Gradué; a Graduate.
Grabuge: f. A great coyle, stirre, garboyle, turmoyle, hurlyburly.
Grabuger. To keepe a foule coyle; to make a great stirre, or monstrous hurlyburly.
Grace: f. Grace, fauour, good will, good liking, good opion; credit, reckoning, reputation; also, beautie, seemelinesse, comelinesse, handsomenesse; a Decorum; a grace in, or becomming of; also, vertue, honestie, integritie; a good disposition, an inclination vnto goodnesse; also, a pardon, forgiuenesse, remission; dispensation; (In old time the Licence procured by Gentlemen for Roturiers to buy their Fiefs, (when they wanted money to follow the warres) was also tearmed Grace.)
Graces (Plurall.) Thanks.
Grace de Sainct Canart. The bestowing of a thing which the bestower cannot keepe; or, a fauour done because one cannot doe withall.
Grace de Sainct Paul. A certaine little stone thats good against the biting, and stinging of venomous beasts (as the Coseners say that would sell it.)
Bonne grace. as Bonne-grace; also, a Snufkin, or Muffe.
Lettres de grace. Are, generally, such as proceed from the meere grace, liberalitie, bountie, or goodnesse of the
Prince; and which he may refuse without violation of common right, or of the Lawes; as Pardons, Remissions, Gifts, Graunts, Dispensations, Priuiledges, Patents of Offices, Warrants for money, &c; more particularly, a Pardon for Murther, Manslaughter, or of a person condemned for an offence, which the Law, of it selfe, cannot dispence with; (in which sence, this word grace is also generall, both to Remission, and Pardon, sayth Ragueau; though another make it a species vnto Remission;) And this Pardon is to be procured from the King himselfe, and in the highest Court of Chancerie. Moines de grace. An Order of white Monkes, which weare on their breasts a great red Crosse. Avec grace. Gracefully, decently, pleasingly, plausibly, with a good fashion, in comelie sort, after a handsome manner. De grace. Of courtesie, I pray you heartily, I beseech you sir. Pour grace. The same. N'aurois-ie bonne grace de? Would it not become me well to?
Graces: f. The three Graces; viz. Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosine, reputed the daughters of Iupiter and Venus, and adored as Goddesses, by the auncient Painims; whence; Il a besoing de sacrifier aux Graces. He is a harsh, vnpleasant, rough-hewed, currish, or churlish, fellow.
Grachinoier. as Grafigner. Gracieusement. as Gratieusement. Gracieuseté: f. Graciousnesse, fauourablenesse; affabilitie, courtesie; humanitie, benignitie, gentlenesse; also, as Gratuité. Gracieux: m. euse: f. Gracious; gentle, affable, courteous, benigne, plausible, debonaire; See Gratieux. Gracieux seigneur. A skalelesse fish, of a long forme, euer cleauing vnto Rockes, and so daintie, and seldome found, that countrey people hold him a fit present for their Landlords.
Gradation: f. A Gradation, step, degree, stayre.
Grade: f. A degree, state, or dignitie; aduancement vnto greatnesse; a step, stayre, greese.
Gradé: m. ée: f. Graduate, or hauing taken a degree.
Gradot: m. A Gurnard.
Gradué. A Graduate; one that hath taken a degree in an Vniuersitie.
Gradué: m. ée: f. Graduated, hauing taken a degree. Homme non gradué. (Opposed vnto, Homme marié) a single, or vnmarried man.
Graduel. A Masse-booke, or part of the Masse, inuented by Pope Celestine in the yeare 430.
Graduellement. Gradually, by degrees, orderly, step after step, from hand to hand.
Grafigner. To scratch, or scrape; to rend, or teare vp with the nayles.
Graffe. Griffe graffe. By hooke or by crooke, scamblingly, catch that catch may, any way.
Graffions. In old time the Lieutenants of Earles were, now a kind of the best sweet Cherries are, called so.
Graier: m. The Officer that gathers the Kings right of Grarie in woods, and forrests.
Graigneur. as Greigneur; Greater. ¶Norm. Graillant. as Grailleux. Graillat: m. A Rooke, or white-bild Crow.
Graille: f. The same.
Graille: com. as Gresle; Slender.
Grailler. To winde a Horne hollowly; to blurre a Trumpet; to speake hoarsely, or with a broken voice; to sing